Create a continuous flow of new cultural and tourism traffic

Source: Economic Daily   Author:   Published on: 10:12, May 23, 2024
Economic Daily    Author:    2024-05-23

Recently, listed tourism enterprises have successively released their annual reports for 2023. Most of the enterprises have turned their net profits from losses to profits, and many of them have also seen significant growth. Behind the bright performance is the strong endogenous power of China's tourism economy and the people's unswerving pursuit of a better life.

At present, tourism has become a hard core force to serve a better life, promote economic development, build a spiritual home, display the image of China, and enhance mutual learning of civilizations. As the "star team" among tourism enterprises, listed tourism enterprises are the "main force" of cultural and tourism economy. China's existing listed tourism enterprises are widely distributed in scenic spots, hotels, performing arts, parks, equipment, design, travel agencies, online platforms, special authorization and other fields. While raising huge amounts of capital, these enterprises must also try their best to repay shareholders with good business performance, fulfill their social responsibilities, and truly become the leader of high-quality tourism development.

At present, "everything is cultural tourism" and "cultural tourism plus all industries" are deepening, and many new products, new play methods and new scenes have greatly enriched China's tourism supply. While listed tourism enterprises have unique scenery, they should also be aware of the gap between us and our counterparts in Europe and the United States, which is mainly reflected in cultural excavation and value presentation, tourism space planning and aesthetic design, product refinement and humanized details, and international operation capabilities. For example, the immersive outdoor night tour project built by Arley Manor in Cheshire, England, through the rendering of the tranquility of the forest at night, the magic creatures and magic wonders in the movies of Harry Potter and Where Are the Magic Animals reappeared in the forest, creating a magical atmosphere that combines the magic world and the real world scenes, attracting countless visitors. In the future development of tourism, cultural and tourism resources are the noumenon, science and technology and creativity are the key to distinguish enterprise competitiveness from the track. China's listed tourism enterprises should have a stronger sense of hardship, take cultivating "future tourism" and preparing "tourism seeds" as important strategic tasks, build a new cultural tourism research and innovation platform with open scenes, link up the innovation chain, value chain, industry chain and space chain, shorten the transformation time of "concept product commodity" of cultural tourism scientific innovation, and constantly enrich the application scenarios of cultural tourism economy, Continuously output new traffic of culture and tourism. Listed tourism enterprises should be good leaders of cultural tourism appearance, incubators of cultural tourism business, innovators of cultural tourism technology, pioneers of cultural tourism going to sea, and circle breakers of cultural tourism equipment.

Listed tourism enterprises are at the high end of China's tourism industry chain. They also need to have a vision of sharing, win-win coexistence, overcome the "take all" and "closed-loop" thinking, actively empower other business entities, attract upstream and downstream industry chain enterprises and "travel makers" to gather, accelerate the exploration of integration of tourism+culture, tourism+science and technology, and tourism+industries, and jointly carry out new culture and tourism "entrepreneurship and innovation". At the same time, we will promote the new infrastructure construction of culture and tourism, strengthen the ability of deep digitalization and bottom computing, stimulate the ability of "building a chain by chain", create more "unique" and "first" in the world, and gather a strong new quality productivity of tourism.

Benefiting from reform and opening up, China has become the world's largest domestic tourism market, the largest source country and major destination of international tourism, but it is not yet a major inbound tourism country in the world. The number of inbound tourists from foreigners is not commensurate with China's rich and high-quality tourism resources. In this regard, large tourism groups in Europe and the United States generally have strong international operation and customer attraction capabilities. Their products and services cover all over the world and can provide high-quality services such as diversity of destinations and customized travel experiences. For this reason, listed tourism enterprises should implement a series of favorable policies launched by the country, take inbound tourism as an important field of strength, accelerate the construction of a super tourism outbound platform, and improve the richness of product lines and the ability to integrate the global supply chain. In terms of the docking of global payment systems, cross-cultural language services, intelligent navigation systems and other aspects, it is necessary to improve the user experience, create a new space for a better life shared by the host and guests, and bring more foreign tourists to China.

Sincerity, goodwill and quality are the keys to the prosperity of the tourism industry. Providing high emotional value is the core of tourism. Tourism is a typical "self pleasing economy". We also need to adapt to the change of cultural tourism consumption focus from buying goods to buying experience, from paying for results to paying for a happy process, and create more traffic outlets with "fine to teeth" services and warming measures. From cultural investment, culture, literature and art, cultural creation and other aspects, integrate food, housing, travel, shopping and entertainment to create super attractions, a sense of explosive experience, and a sticky return rate. The enterprise should also have a keen vision, make good use of the new customer favorite model, and actively lead the development of cultural tourism. At the same time, in terms of sustainable tourism, such as tourism resource protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, industry self-discipline, and tourism for the benefit of the people, enterprises should also foster patient capital and humanistic feelings, model the ESG system, and set an example for other tourism entities. (Author: Zhou Xiangzhi Source: Economic Daily)

Edited by: Wu Jiahong
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Excellent recommendation