New orders signed by key foreign trade enterprises have improved for four consecutive months

Source: CCTV   Author:   Published on: 10:02, May 21, 2024
CCTV Network    Author:    2024-05-21

CCTV news (news broadcast): According to the recent survey by the Ministry of Commerce, since this year, with the overall recovery of global trade, China's key foreign trade enterprises have signed a new one-way agreement, and the confidence of foreign trade enterprises in their development has continued to improve.

In the first four months of this year, China's import and export volume increased by 5.7%. In April, China's import and export growth rate increased significantly to 8%. Behind the growth of foreign trade scale is that China's foreign trade enterprises continue to improve the international competitiveness of their products, use new technologies to explore overseas markets, and win new international orders. In Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, foreign trade enterprises are keen to seize and grasp the sports economic opportunities such as the Olympic Games and the European Cup. In the first four months, Yiwu's export of sports goods increased by 45.6%. China's cross-border e-commerce platform has also established a multilingual site and launched an AI foreign trade assistant, which can realize real-time translation of multilinguals and one click generation of images, texts and video content.

From the market perspective, China's trade with both traditional and emerging markets is showing a growth trend. In April, driven by factors such as inventory digestion and demand recovery, China's import and export to the traditional market increased from a decline, with an increase of 3.3% to the EU and 6.2% to the United States. At the same time, imports and exports to emerging markets continued to maintain a high growth rate, while those to ASEAN and countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" increased by 14.4% and 9% respectively.

According to the recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Commerce, the newly signed orders of key foreign trade enterprises have improved for four consecutive months, and the amount of orders in hand of more than 80% of exhibitors at the Canton Fair has remained flat or increased.

Editor: Zheng Jianlong
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