2023 Average Wage Data Reveals Which Industry Is the Most "Profitable"

Source: Golden Sheep   Author: Chen Zeyun   Published at 06:31, May 21, 2024
ycwb    Author: Chen Zeyun    2024-05-21
The average wage level of information transmission, software and information technology services in urban non private units and private units is still the highest.

Chen Zeyun, full media reporter of Yangcheng Evening News

Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released the average wage data of urban unit employees in 2023. According to the release, in 2023, the average annual wage of urban non private sector employees will be 120698 yuan, and the average annual wage of urban private sector employees will be 68340 yuan. The average wage level of information transmission, software and information technology services in urban non private units and private units is still the highest, reaching 231810 yuan and 129215 yuan respectively.

Average wages in most industries continue to grow

In 2023, with the economic recovery and improvement, the social development is stable, and the number of employees increases, the average annual wage of urban unit employees will continue to increase. The average annual wage of urban non private unit employees will be 120698 yuan, an increase of 6669 yuan over the previous year, a nominal increase of 5.8%, and an actual increase of 5.5% after deducting price factors; The average annual wage of urban private sector employees was 68340 yuan, an increase of 3103 yuan over the previous year, a nominal increase of 4.8%, and a real increase of 4.5% after deducting price factors. The actual growth rate was higher than that of the previous year.

In all sectors, whether urban non private units or private units, the average wage of employees in most industries continued to increase.

The average wage of information transmission, software and information technology service industries ranks first among all industries. Among the urban non private units, the top three industries with average wages are information transmission, software and information technology services, finance, scientific research and technology services, which are 231810 yuan, 197663 yuan and 171447 yuan respectively. Among the private units, the top three industries with average wages are also the above three industries, including information transmission The software and information technology service industry reached 129215 yuan, followed by the financial industry (124812 yuan), becoming the only two industries where the average annual wage exceeded 100000 yuan.

From the perspective of growth rate, the average wage growth of the financial industry will be the highest in 2023, with the average wage growth of 13.4% and 13.2% in urban non private units and private units, respectively. Wang Pingping, director of the Population and Employment Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, analyzed that the reason for the high growth rate is that the insurance industry with more than 40% of employees continues to transform its marketing model, The sharp reduction of insurance agents with low salaries not only led to a significant increase in the average salary of the insurance industry, but also promoted the average salary of the entire financial industry.

It is worth noting that after the financial industry, the average wage growth in the mining industry also exceeded 10%, and the average wage growth in urban non private units and private units was 11.1% and 10.4% respectively. "This is mainly affected by factors such as the continuous improvement of the mining market in 2023, the steady increase of the supply of major mineral products, and the acceleration of the green low-carbon transformation of energy. The traditional resource-based industry is accelerating its integration with the new generation of information technology, promoting the rapid growth of average wages." Wang Pingping said.

In addition, the growth rate of wages in the contact service industry rebounded significantly. With the support of the policy of stabilizing growth, the service industry has maintained a strong recovery momentum, the number of employees in most enterprises has increased significantly, and the wage level has been improved. For example, in the accommodation and catering industry, the average wages of urban non private and private enterprises increased by 7.6% and 8.5% respectively, with growth rates both 6.9 percentage points higher than that of the previous year; In the service, repair and other service industries, the average wages of the two types of units increased by 5.3% and 4.5%, respectively, 4.8 and 3.3 percentage points higher. The average wages of the two types of units in the wholesale and retail industry maintained rapid growth, with growth rates of 7.8% and 5.1% respectively, both 0.7 percentage points higher than the previous year.

Regional wage gap narrowing

In 2023, the regional wage gap will narrow. The wage levels of urban non private units and private units in different regions are in the same order, from high to low in the east, west, central and northeast regions. Taking the average wage in 2023 in the east as the base 1, the average wage ratio in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions is 1:0.69:0.78:0.69 in urban non private units, and 1:0.68:0.76:0.68 in 2022. The wage gap between the eastern region and other regions is narrowing; This ratio is 1: 0.74: 0.78:0.68 in the urban private sector. In 2022, it was 1: 0.73: 0.76:0.68. Except that the average wage gap between the eastern region and the northeast region remained unchanged, the gap between the eastern region and the other two regions has narrowed.

The wage gap between posts is also narrowing. In enterprises above the designated size, the average annual salary of middle level and above managers is the highest, 198285 yuan; The following order is 140935 yuan for professional technicians, 89502 yuan for clerks and related personnel, 75463 yuan for manufacturing and related personnel, and 75216 yuan for social production service and life service personnel. The rank of inter post wage levels is the same as that of the previous year, but the ratio of maximum wage to minimum wage is reduced from 2.69 to 2.64.

Every year, the average wage of urban unit employees comes out, and many people feel that their income has been "averaged". What is the matter?

"Average wage is an important statistical indicator that reflects the overall wage situation and changes of a country, region or industry and position. In most cases, it is not consistent with individual wages or income. There is a wage gap between different industries and different positions. Due to different industries, regions and positions, different units and individuals, and even different pay dates, there will inevitably be large differences between individual salary levels and the overall or group average. When using average salary data, in-depth analysis and rational treatment are required. " Wang Pingping reminds.

Editor: Zheng Jianlong
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