"Real gold and silver", the policy supports the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones to benefit people's livelihood and the economy

Source: CCTV   Author:   Published at 09:16, May 20, 2024
CCTV Network    Author:    2024-05-20

CCTV news: Recently, 14 departments, including the Ministry of Commerce, issued the Action Plan for Promoting the Trade in of Consumer Goods, which proposed 22 measures, including increasing financial policy support and optimizing the home market environment, to promote the trade in of cars for "energy", household appliances for "intelligence", and home furnishings and kitchens for "renewal". More places have acted in a timely manner around the action plan, introduced specific measures according to local conditions, and promoted the trade in of old products to better serve industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading.

When refining the implementation policy of trade in, Jiangsu places the professionalization, facilitation and standardization of after-sales service as an important means. In major home appliance stores, consumers can enjoy "one-stop" services such as discount, old home appliance disassembly, and door-to-door installation. According to the new round of green and smart home appliance consumption subsidy policy in Shanghai, consumers can enjoy a one-time subsidy reduction of 10% of the transaction price when purchasing 16 categories of first-class energy efficiency home appliances. By the 13th of this month, the sales volume of various subsidized products had reached 600 million yuan, with 77000 transactions.

In addition to household appliances and kitchenware, another area of this round of consumer goods trade in is "cars". The Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance and other seven departments have jointly issued the detailed rules for the implementation of subsidies recently. These two days, the first batch of subsidies for car scrapping in China has been issued.

The car enterprises give up their profits as part of this, and local government departments also take out real money and silver, and add more on the basis of national subsidies. From April 15 to June 30, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province will issue a cumulative subsidy of 100 million yuan for automobile consumption, covering new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles. Consumers can obtain a subsidy of up to 5000 yuan for purchasing a single vehicle; Zhejiang proposed that by 2027, 500000 cars will be exchanged for new ones, and the annual sales of household appliances will increase by 20% compared with 2023. For this reason, more than 15 billion yuan of provincial financial funds will be arranged as a whole this year to build a "1+N" policy system.

Yu Jianhui, Director of the Consumption Promotion Department of the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province, said: "The renewal has entered a period of concentrated release, with huge demand and potential. Promoting mass consumption by exchanging old for new plays a very good role in boosting the consumer market, optimizing the supply structure, and stabilizing economic growth."

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said that the exchange of old cars for new cars should not only yield profits in all aspects and reduce the cost of buying cars, but also make selling cars easier and scrapping more convenient; In terms of household appliances, home furnishings, kitchens and bathrooms, it is necessary to highlight the convenience of consumption, encourage the "one-stop process of collecting the old, delivering the new, and disassembling and assembling", and promote the landing of intelligent products in more life scenes.

Industry insiders said that with the implementation of the old for new policy, the consumption potential of residents is expected to be further released.

Editor: Zheng Jianlong
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