[Lingnan talks about ancient times] Chen Qiyuan: the first person to run a machine reeling factory in China

Source: Golden Sheep   Author:   Published at 11:18, May 16, 2024
ycwb    Author:    2024-05-16
This issue of Lingnan Talks about the Past approached Chen Qiyuan, the pioneer of China's modern national industry.

This issue of Lingnan Talks about the Past approached Chen Qiyuan, the pioneer of China's modern national industry. As a "sericulturist" and the pioneer of the machine reeling factory, Chen Qiyuan not only promoted the innovation of the silk reeling industry in Guangdong and even the whole country, but also won the respect of the villagers with his public interest. Let's follow the host Ji Qing to explore the legendary life of this national entrepreneur and feel his courage of reform and innovation and his feelings of patriotism for the people.

Produced by: Du Chuangui

Chief planner: Lin Haili, Sun Xuan

President: Sun Chaofang, District Jianyan

Executive coordinator: Peng Jiqun, Guo Bin, He Ben, Wu Jiahong

Copywriter: Nie Yue, Li Xuan

Produced by: Tang Derong, Qi Rongyuan and Qing Wen Siyuan (intern)

Edited by: Wu Jiahong
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Excellent recommendation