[Video] Cloud Journey | Baiyun Lake, Baiyun Lake Park, Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City: the park is beautiful, the waves are rippling, and the lakeside digital creates a promising future

Source: Golden Sheep   Author: Lu Jiazhen   Published at 19:04, May 13, 2024
ycwb    Author: Lu Jiazhen    2024-05-13

The sky is clear and the water is clear and smooth. How can you know the scenery without coming to Baiyun Lake! In this issue of Cloud Travel Notes, we came to Baiyun Lake Park to experience the city waterfront scenery with green water.

Recently, the top 30 of the "Ten Sceneries of Baiyun in the New Era" selection activity was newly launched, and Baiyun Lake, Baiyun Lake Park and Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City were successively listed on the list. As the largest artificial lake in Guangzhou, the 3000 mu of Baiyun Lake's vast waters and land complement each other like a grand picture. It not only brings ecological nourishment to the surrounding rivers, but also becomes a large-scale comprehensive water conservancy park due to its picturesque scenery, attracting numerous citizens and tourists.

The beautiful and green Baiyun Lake is like an emerald pearl inlaid in the bustling city. It is reported that Baiyun Lake Park is divided into East Lake and West Lake. The East Lake is a gathering place of many tourist attractions, which seems to be the heart of the park. It is closely connected with the West Lake, forming a flowing picture.

Boarding the Baiyun Pavilion, you can overlook the whole Baiyun Lake and have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery. Walking in the park, the lakeside grass everywhere is a good place to relax. Sitting on the grass to blow the wind, walking across the covered bridges with ripples, it seems that the whole world has slowed down.

Green water has become the most beautiful background for development, and technology has enabled the future of white clouds. Baiyun Lake has water landscape, water culture and water ecology. The function of water economy is becoming more and more obvious. The beautiful scenery drives the development and construction of "Baiyun Lake Digital Science and Technology City".

Baiyun Lake Digital Technology City is located in the west of Baiyun District, Guangzhou, with a total planned land area of about 28 square kilometers. It is positioned as the practice highland of "Digital China". High tech buildings in digital industry are rising rapidly.

Have a cup of talent coffee, and look forward to the future of digital technology together with the entrepreneurs of famous universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University. "Baiyun Lake Digital Science and Technology City" is not only an important development platform built by Baiyun District, but also has the "title" of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Collaborative Innovation Pilot Zone and other high and large. In the future, it will drive Baiyun District into the fast lane of digital economy development.

Ecology and scientific innovation coexist. With ecological beauty to improve the quality of life and digital technology to activate the momentum of development, Baiyun Lake has been running on the road of high-quality development. Let's look forward to its transformation!

General Planner | Du Chuan, Guilin Haili

Implementation Planning | Sun Xuan and Lin Rumin

President Funding | Liu Yun, Li Yanwen

Implementation and Coordination | Li Chunwei, Zhang Jianfu, Changmei Bingqing

Article, Film and Video | Lu Jiazhen, All media reporter of Yangcheng Evening News

Editor: Li Xuan
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