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Key Points of National Treasure Painting More than 1000 years ago, there was a "women's heavenly group" in the Sui Dynasty

10:08, June 1, 2024 yes zero Ginseng zero Comments

If you went back to the Sui Dynasty and participated in a small banquet performance, what kind of scenes would you see?

Presumably, it will be playing music while dancing, including "atmosphere group".

In May 1959, the tomb of Zhang Sheng of the Sui Dynasty was found near the Yubei gauze factory in Anyang, Henan Province. A group of painted pottery figurines of the Sui Dynasty were unearthed, revealing the mystery of the "women's troupe" of the Sui Dynasty

This "top class women's troupe" has not only made special "makeup", black hair and red lips, combed hair and buns, but also extremely gorgeous clothes. The upper body is wearing narrow sleeved clothes, the long skirt is tied high in the chest, and the ribbon is drooping and elegant. Most importantly, the performance configuration is excellent!

None of the "Band" 8 people can sit and play. Their long skirts spread the ground, and they are quiet and quiet. Pipa, harp, panpipe, flute, cymbal, and pipe are all the most popular instruments in the Sui Dynasty!

It is worth mentioning that there is a girl in the "musical instrument group" who does not hold a musical instrument with both hands. Some scholars think that it may be the lack of the original musical instrument, and some scholars think that she puts her hands in front of her chest to make a "bow" shape, so as to control the rhythm and conduct the band.

The "dance group" consists of five people, with long skirts, long sleeves, and light and gentle dancing movements, which are like flowing clouds and rivers, and a soft and quiet atmosphere. Relevant experts pointed out that the group of music and dance figurines unearthed from Zhang Sheng's tomb has complete shapes and different postures, providing rare material materials for the study of the music and dance system in the Sui and Tang dynasties, The dance "Tang Palace Banquet", inspired by this group of music and dance figurines, has been widely used on the Internet. On the occasion of the "June 1" International Children's Day, let's enjoy the wonderful performance of the children again!

I wish every big friend and little friend can ride the vast world and never forget their childlike innocence.

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Source: Xinhua News Agency      Editor: Su Xiaomin Key words: children; Sui dynasty
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