China Association for Science and Technology Announces the Results of the Selection Activity for the Collection of Outstanding Scientific Research Instrument Cases - News - ScienceNet

Source: China Association for Science and Technology Release time: 2024/4/17 14:08:52
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China Association for Science and Technology announces the results of the collection and selection of outstanding scientific research instrument cases


Notice of China Association for Science and Technology on Announcing the Results of the 2023 Collection and Selection of Outstanding Scientific Research Instrument Cases

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In order to thoroughly implement the strategic deployment of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China on deepening the reform of talent development system and mechanism, adhere to the principle of "breaking the four rationalities" and "setting new standards", and accelerate the establishment of an evaluation system for professional and technical talents oriented by innovative value, ability and contribution, the China Association for Science and Technology relies on the "scientific research instrument case results database", The collection and selection of outstanding scientific research instrument case achievements in 2023 was carried out. Under the careful organization of China Instrument Society and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, after two rounds of peer review and social publicity, 100 outstanding cases have been selected and recognized, which are now announced (attachment).

It is hoped that the majority of experimental technicians will follow the example of excellent case authors, strengthen operating skills, improve instrument functions, innovate experimental methods, promote the deep transformation of scientific research theoretical achievements into new quality productivity, and contribute to building a world science and technology power. The case achievement database of scientific research instruments will also continue to gather case resources such as instrument R&D and transformation, function expansion, and testing standard formulation, explore and establish a "new standard" for the evaluation of experimental technicians, help the construction of high-level experimental technicians, improve the development and utilization level of experimental instruments in China, and serve the self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level science and technology.

enclosure: List of selected cases in the 2023 collection and selection of outstanding scientific research instrument cases.doc

China Association for Science and Technology

April 16, 2024

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