Four departments including the Central Cyberspace Office printed and distributed the Key Points of Digital Rural Development in 2024

Source: Agricultural TV Network 2024-05-16 00:06:35

China News Network, May 15 According to the news on the WeChat official account of "Nettrust China", recently, the Central Cyberspace Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the Key Points of Digital Rural Development in 2024. The notice requires that the deployment requirements of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Learning and Applying the Experience of the "1000 Village Demonstration, 10000 Village Renovation" Project to Efficiently and Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas (ZF [2024] No. 1) be earnestly implemented, the Strategic Outline for Digital Rural Development and the Action Plan for Digital Rural Development (2022-2025) be deeply implemented, and the modernization of agriculture and rural areas be led by informatization, We will promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, make rural areas suitable for living and working, and make farmers rich and affluent, so as to provide solid support for accelerating the construction of a network power and an agricultural power.

The Key Points of Work clearly defined the work goal: by the end of 2024, substantial progress will be made in the construction of digital villages. Digital technology will ensure national food security and consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. The number of rural broadband access users exceeded 200 million, the Internet penetration rate in rural areas increased by 2 percentage points, the online retail sales of agricultural products exceeded 630 billion yuan, the informatization rate of agricultural production was further improved, a batch of practical talents who understand both agriculture and rural areas and digital technology were cultivated, and a batch of digital application scenarios with strong demonstration and wide driving force were created, We will work hard to achieve a number of practical things that are linked online and offline and accessible to the masses.

The Key Points of Work deployed 28 key tasks in 9 aspects.

First, build a solid base for digital rural development. It includes improving the supply capacity of rural network infrastructure, strengthening the transformation and upgrading of rural infrastructure, and accelerating the integration and sharing of agricultural related data resources.

Second, keep the "two bottom lines" by digitization. Including strengthening the digital support to ensure food security, and strengthening the monitoring and assistance measures to prevent poverty return.

Third, vigorously promote the development of smart agriculture. It includes strengthening agricultural science and technology innovation and application promotion, improving the digital level of the entire agricultural industry chain, and deepening agricultural socialized services with digital technology.

Fourth, stimulate the new vitality of county digital economy. It includes accelerating the high-quality development of rural e-commerce, taking multiple measures to promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, releasing the multiplier effect of agricultural related data elements, and using digital technology to promote farmers' income.

Fifth, promote the revitalization of rural digital culture. It includes accelerating the digitization of rural cultural heritage resources and enriching the digital supply of rural public cultural services.

Sixth, improve the rural digital governance system. It includes steadily promoting the informatization construction of rural "three tasks", improving the digital efficiency of rural social governance, and enhancing the rural smart emergency management capacity.

Seventh, deepen rural digital inclusive services. Including efforts to improve the digital level of rural education, continue to promote the healthy development of rural digital, enhance the effectiveness of rural digital inclusive financial services, and strengthen the information service guarantee for rural special groups.

Eighth, accelerate the construction of smart and beautiful villages. It includes strengthening the digital application of rural residential environment improvement and improving the efficiency of rural ecological environment protection supervision.

Ninth, promote the construction of digital countryside in a coordinated way. It includes strengthening cross sectoral and cross level coordination and linkage, improving the diversified investment guarantee mechanism, cultivating and strengthening the rural digital talent team, promoting the standardization construction in key areas, and telling a good story of the digital countryside in the new era.

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