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Xiaomi shares first! The proportion of LCD intelligent projection reached a record high of nearly 70%
2023-04-25 17:12:12 Source: Fast Technology Author: Follow one's heart Edit: Whatever you want    Comments ( zero ) Click to copy the title and link of this article

On April 25, Fast Technology reported that the latest data of RUNTO showed that in the first quarter of 2023, the sales volume of China's intelligent projection market (excluding laser TV) was 1.428 million, up 7.9% year on year; The sales volume was 2.53 billion yuan, down 4.3% year on year.

From the perspective of product structure, the differentiation is obvious. Among them, the DLP market continued to shrink, with sales falling sharply by 18%; and The online market share of LCD technology rose to 69.2%, 8.4 percentage points higher than that of the same period last year, and nearly 70% of the market share reached a record high.

 Xiaomi shares first! The proportion of LCD intelligent projection reached a record high of nearly 70%

2023Q1's 1LCD intelligent projection online market sales ranking shows that Xiaomi ranks first with nearly 11% share In less than half a year, Xiaomi has risen to the first place in sales volume and the second place in sales volume in the market segment.

Among the top five are sky cannon, Xiao Ming, Xianke and patriot.

RUNTO believes that in 2023, the competition intensity of 1LCD market will increase dramatically, and the brand performance differentiation will eventually form a market reshuffle, survival of the fittest.

 Xiaomi shares first! The proportion of LCD intelligent projection reached a record high of nearly 70%
2023Q1 1LCD Smart Projection Online Market Brand Share by Sales Volume

[End of this article] If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Editor in charge: Suixin

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