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Go abroad! XCMG Crawler Crane Wins Crazy Praise from Foreign Customers

XCMG crawler crane 2024-02-27 15:22:16

"Hello, this is XCMG Service." After the call was connected, the opposite side hurriedly conveyed the equipment problem of a customer in Central Asia. Originally, 1 set purchased by the customer XLC22000 Crawler crane It has arrived at the construction project site. Due to the urgent construction period, the construction party requires that the equipment must be delivered to the construction site 10 days Put into use internally.

Hearing this, Hu Mingfeng and Xia Feng, service engineers of XCMG, immediately realized that this was an urgent task: "Don't worry, we will arrive as soon as possible to ensure that the construction will not be delayed. Please rest assured."

(Hu Mingfeng on the second left, Xia Feng on the first right)

"Go, go!"

The roads are bumpy and crisscross. Hu Mingfeng and Xia Feng set out from their accommodation at 8:00 p.m. and drove More than 600 kilometers , time consuming 8 hours , arrive at the project site, and prepare for equipment assembly at the first time, even if - 20 ℃ They didn't slow down the pace of work because of the severe cold.

Through the efforts of Hu Mingfeng and Xia Feng, They completed the assembly work in only 4 days, which originally required 10 days

On December 20, XLC22000 realizes normal operation , put into operation in advance, and successfully complete the first lifting task on the construction site.

”We've been there“

At the service site, Hu Mingfeng and Xia Feng assembled several parts of the equipment one by one, such as the outrigger, turntable, luffing oil cylinder, boom, super lift, counterweight, winch and hook. Then, they orderly began to check the equipment 120m working condition of super lift main boom The safety performance and the stability of winch action shall be tested repeatedly. After all the work is completed, they still stay at the site to ensure that the equipment operates in the best state.


The customer was deeply moved by the performance of Hu Mingfeng and Xia Feng, and took the initiative to write a letter to express his thanks to XCMG's service:

"First of all, thank you for your long-term support to our company. As a partner, we deeply feel that your company has given us strong support and assurance in our work.

Special thanks to your service engineers Hu Mingfeng and Xia Feng, who have Excellent technical ability and strong sense of responsibility Problems existing in the construction shall be found and properly handled in a timely manner, rules and regulations shall be carefully and strictly implemented in the work, existing problems shall be solved in a timely and effective manner, normal operation of equipment shall be ensured, strong communication and coordination ability shall be possessed, which can be well integrated into our work, fully reflecting the management level of your company. Therefore, Our company affirms the work achievements of the two service engineers

In the future, we are confident to carry out in-depth and win-win cooperation with your company, and achieve better results based on results. Thanks again! "

label: XCMG
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