Current location: Do Fun > The offline version of "Cool Car" has taken shape, and folk authors have released live demonstrations

The offline version of "Cool Car" has taken shape, and folk authors have released live demonstrations

The Crew 》After several months of server downtime, a group of people belonging to "The Crew Players of Unlimited are trying to revive them. The online game pictures they uploaded yesterday proved that their progress was smooth.

It has been nearly three months since the "Cool Car" server was shut down. This is made by Ivory The open world racing game developed by Tower Studio was officially discontinued on March 31, nearly ten years after its release. However, as early as Ubisoft Before the announcement of abandoning the game, a group of players had begun to work hard to save the game for future generations.

“The Crew The goal of Unlimited is to copy the entire original content, but this is not easy because many game systems run on servers. Their plan is to provide an offline version. The creators released a video of the game yesterday, showing their great progress, and the achievement of the set goals is just around the corner. The video shows a fully functional game, at least in free driving mode.

Demo video:

However, these ambitious MOD producers are not satisfied with offline play. They also plan to develop a server simulator to allow players to play in teams, which means that the iconic online function of "Cool Car" will continue.

In addition, getting rid of Ubisoft's service means that the game can join MOD. Players have planned to make some minor adjustments to the mechanisms they think are not very successful (such as "intelligent trophies"), and they may be able to achieve more in the future. Who knows, maybe one day we will see a repeat of the history of Unlimited Test Drive, such as adding a lot of content through the platinum giant model.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft has set a huge barrier for players who want to return to Cool Car God through the offline version. Shortly after the server shut down, the French company began to disable the license key of the player who "owns" the game, making it impossible to reinstall the game.

[Editor in charge: Network]

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