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Qualcomm Apple settled, Intel stopped 5G R&D, and Wentai Technology ushered in a good opportunity for development

Latest update time: 2021-09-01 23:07
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332 words, 2 minutes for reading

Editor: AK47, Source: Global Semiconductor Watch

Recently, Apple and Qualcomm decided to settle the dispute over patent royalties. A statement jointly issued by the two companies said that Qualcomm and Apple had reached an agreement to abandon all legal proceedings at the global level.

Gao Tong said that the settlement agreement with Apple will end all ongoing lawsuits, including those with Apple equipment contract manufacturers. The two companies have reached a six-year global patent license agreement, which came into effect on April 1, 2019, with a two-year extension option. Apple will make a one-time payment to Qualcomm, and the two companies have also reached an agreement Chipset Supply Agreement

On the same day, Intel announced that the company will continue to meet the existing 4G Intelligent mobile phone Modem product line customers, but it is not expected to launch 5G modem products in the smartphone field, including products initially planned to be launched in 2020.

Driven by the news from Qualcomm, the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index rose by more than 3%, hitting a record high in both trading and closing. For the first time since October 3, 2018, the Nasdaq closed above the psychological 8000 point mark. Western data rose 4.8%, AMD, Micron Technology and Nvidia rose more than 2%, and Lam Research and Texas Instruments rose more than 1%.

It also has a huge impact on China's 5G and semiconductor industry chain companies. In particular, Wentai Technology may benefit greatly. First of all, Qualcomm Apple settled that 5G mobile phones are expected to come into the market as scheduled next year, driving the year of mobile phone replacement. As a key partner of Qualcomm 5G Alpha, Wentai Technology's 5G terminal products will be in large quantities. And Anshi Semiconductor, which Wentai Technology is acquiring, will also usher in an explosion. 5G means more power consumption. Larger batteries lead to the need for better energy efficiency, more miniaturized devices, faster charging, better ESD protection devices, and devices with high power density. It is understood that Anshi Semiconductor has developed a 5G communication base station And 5G terminal equipment, including more robust power MOSFETs for hot plug applications, DC/DC conversion devices, a large collection of logic products, TVS protection devices for sensitive circuit lines, GaN MOSFET high efficiency devices, gigabit passive optical network devices, high-speed ESD protection devices, and single dual protection devices specially applied to Qualcomm 5G platform level Convert 2 input or gate band-pass pulse and other devices.

Wentai Technology is a member of Qualcomm 5G pilot program

Anshi Semiconductor Netherlands Headquarters

Qualcomm not only continues to lead in the 5G mobile phone field, but also will be able to invest more resources in development Automotive Electronics , virtual reality, laptop, IoT/edge computing. As a strategic partner of Qualcomm, Wentai Technology has helped Qualcomm develop a number of automotive electronics (T-BOX, smart car machine), virtual reality (VR/AR), 4G/5G laptop, and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) products based on Qualcomm's platform. In the future, Wentai Technology will be the pioneer of Qualcomm in other smart terminal fields besides mobile phones.

At the MWC19 exhibition, China Mobile announced that it would launch the 5G notebook "Honghu" plan in cooperation with Microsoft, Intel, Qualcomm, Lenovo, Dell, Wentai and other industrial partners. With Intel's announcement that it would not launch 5G modem products, it means that Intel has actually launched the 5G PC plan, and Qualcomm will hold the 5G PC banner alone.

In the past year, Wentai Technology, together with Lenovo and Huawei, has launched two laptop products based on Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 and 850 chip platforms, which have received good market response. Without Intel, the competitor, Qualcomm 5G PCs are expected to be shipped in large quantities soon, and Wentai Technology will undertake the main ODM R&D and manufacturing tasks of 5G PCs.

In the face of the upcoming 5G node, the integration of products and technologies of Wentai and Anshi has great potential for coordinated industrial development! 5G not only brings 5G mobile phones to consumers, but will further benefit automotive electronics and IoT in the future. Anshi is already very large in the original automotive electronics, and IoT will also bring great development on the basis of 5G.

Industry analysts believe that the new Wentai Technology has ushered in a new strategic development track. The semiconductor acquisition case was completed the year before 5G was officially put into commercial use, giving both Wentai Technology and Anshi Semiconductor a rare opportunity for development.

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