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Seven days down, the top stream of semiconductor industry will appear at the NI Semiconductor Test Technology Summit

Latest update time: October 28, 2020
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The following highlights of the Summit

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2020 NI Semiconductor Test Technology Summit

  (NI Semiconductor Exchange) 

This NI China Special Technology Summit will be held in Afternoon of November 4 Held in the following forms:
Online activities (live, on-demand): The duration of online live or on-demand content varies from 30 minutes to 1 hour. You can watch relevant content according to your interest. If you miss the wonderful live broadcast due to busy business, please don't worry. After the event, all the content can be viewed on the NI WeChat service account.
Offline activities The location of offline activities is NI Shanghai Office, located in Zhangjiang High tech Park. Due to space constraints, the number of offline participants is subject to the application confirmation letter.

Live broadcast of the Summit: 14:00-17:00, November 4 (Wednesday)

Registration method: Scan QR code /Click Read the original text

The summit covered a large number of dry products of semiconductor testing technology

Gathered a large number of industry leaders to elaborate cutting-edge views

yes Technology application, new product release, technology discussion Etc Coming!

The partners who want to know more about technology must not! wrong! Pass!

↓ Some live broadcast content disclosure ↓

Big shot brings dry goods speech

Topic: Application of digital transformation in semiconductor product development

Speaker: What is (Pearl He) -Global Semiconductor Business Development Director - NI

Content summary: At first glance, you may think that digital conversion is only applicable to IT organizations, e-commerce systems or personal strategies to store family photos in the cloud. However, many of the same technologies that improve our consumer experience are fundamentally changing the way semiconductor organizations design, test and manufacture semiconductor products. We will share some of the latest trends and technologies used by leading semiconductor companies to accelerate and improve product design. More specifically, we will share some practical examples to illustrate how companies can transform modern engineering laboratories and enterprises with technologies ranging from remote automation to cloud to artificial intelligence.

Support modern laboratory construction

New product release and case sharing

① New product launch Register control tool

② New product release (NI and Taosheng TwinSolution) - laboratory level three temperature test handler

③ Application cases of modern laboratory Enjoy

Content summary: With the increase of chip complexity, the laboratory verification team is evolving towards a more standardized and automated modern laboratory. Through the standardization of organizational processes, test equipment, interfaces, and data, the overall test verification efficiency is improved and the time to market of chips is accelerated.

In addition to instruments in the traditional sense, hardware needs to be able to fully expand for the increase of product lines, and software based on the standard framework will better serve the whole process of modern chip testing, including Bring up, feature analysis, system level testing, and small batch project batch verification, And use the standard test library for the part to be tested to help engineers speed up chip verification time.

In this sharing, NI will display the latest released register control tool based on the standard verification framework to help verification engineers, application engineers and chip system engineers quickly target such as I2C Visual debugging and automatic verification of SPI registers, and we also invited Suzhou TwinSolution to release the latest laboratory small system level three temperature handler to further help engineers speed up the laboratory small batch automatic verification, and help design companies to improve test efficiency more quickly towards a modern laboratory.

Speaker: Maliksi -Product Marketing Manager - NI

Speaker: Xu Liang -Senior Product Director - Shanghai Taosheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

Explore the next generation WiFi technology trends:

WiFi 7 technical difficulties and NI performance evaluation scheme

Content summary : From 802.11ac to 802.11be, the constant iteration of technology brings new challenges to WiFi chip R&D and product design. The modulation technology has been upgraded from 256QAM to 1024QAM and then to 4096QAM; Support user mode transformation, from single user single point technology to multi-user collaborative technology; The maximum rate that can be supported has been continuously improved, from 866Mbps to a maximum rate greater than 30Gbps; The supported frequency band and bandwidth are increasing. 802.11be supports 7.125GHz 320M BW, and it is required to support multi-channel coordination technology. The above new technologies bring new challenges to R&D personnel in the design and product evaluation stages. Relying on decades of technology accumulation, NI has proposed a unique global assessment tool and method for the above new challenges.

Speaker: Fan Min  - APAC Semi Business development Manager - NI

Focus on the launch of new NI wireless products:

Using NI VST to Accelerate Load Pull Test of RF Chip

Content summary: The 5G era has come, and RF front-end is the first to benefit. As one of the key RF front-end devices, the power amplifier PA, according to the prediction of Marketandmarkets, will grow its market share from US $21.4 billion in 2018 to US $30.6 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.4%. Engineers know that in order to make the power amplifier work at the optimal impedance point, it is necessary to traverse and evaluate the output power, efficiency, linearity and other indicators of the amplifier under different load impedances. It takes too much time, so it is urgent to speed up. NI launched RFIC test software version 20.0, which uses NI's leading vector signal transceiver VST to support load pull tuner and realize automatic test of PA load traction, greatly improving test efficiency, and more convenient and effective optimization and characterization of power amplifier design.

Speaker: Jessica Liu  - Principle FAE - NI

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Attention, boys and girls: all activities Partners who fill in the questionnaire during the process have the opportunity to receive the Rich gifts Ha:

-Philips air purifier

-Razor Thundersnake E-sports Mechanical Keyboard

-Xiaomi Xiaoai smart speakers, etc

Dry goods knowledge and welfare gifts are sent together. What are you waiting for? Click now Read the original text Hurry to sign up and join us~

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