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Led by Roewe Smart MARVEL X, ADI helped Huayu Automobile to mass produce 24GHz millimeter wave radar

Updated on: January 7, 2019
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The world's first mass production intelligent car, Roewe MARVEL, has become a hot spot in the market since its launch at the beginning of X year. It is called by the media as the world's first mass production car to achieve "unmanned driving in specific scenes", and has adopted a breakthrough "black technology" of autonomous parking in the "last mile". The realization of this function is inseparable from the car's "bright spot" - 24 GHz millimeter wave radar. It is revealed that the "bright" part of MARVEL X is provided by Huayu Auto Technology Center, a leading domestic auto parts enterprise. ADI 24 GHz millimeter wave radar solution is the key "core technology".

How smart is this "bright eye"? Please see Guo Jianying, Director of Huayu Automotive Technology Center~

Due to its mature performance and high cost performance, the 24GHz millimeter wave radar technology is increasingly used in mass market applications such as automobiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, pan industrial and consumer applications. As for ADI, which has unique high-performance simulation technology, it has more than 15 years of history in the radar field. Among them, the technical scheme of 24GHz vehicle millimeter wave radar has been very mature, and has carried out a lot of cooperation with many vehicle enterprises and Tier1.

ADI technology has accounted for 50% of all automobile radar modules developed in the world today. ADI is also strengthening cooperation with domestic mainstream manufacturers to help Chinese enterprises seize the market share of intelligent driving landing.

——ADI China Automotive Customer Business Unit

Sales Director Xu Zhibin

Therefore, when seeking the latest and leading 24GHz radar technology solutions, Huayu Auto naturally began to cooperate with the industry leader ADI. ADI's mature high-performance solutions enable product research and development to be carried out quickly. The rich experience in technical support of radar products has played a key role in assisting the rapid mass production of products. The good product performance and high cost performance make Guo Jianying, director of Huayu Automotive Technology Center, confident in the market prospect, and its domestic market share of 24GHz radar is expected to usher in a major breakthrough in 2019.

The 24GHz radar has won mass production from customers, and Huayu Automobile continues to make great strides in the research and development of automotive radar. According to Director Guo, Huayu Automotive is stepping up its research and development of 77GHz radar products and has completed the development of prototype products. There is no doubt that Huayu Automobile and ADI also have good opportunities for cooperation in terms of 77GHz radar. According to Xu Zhibin, a monolithic millimeter wave developed by ADI Radar chip It will once again lead the technical trend of the global 77GHz millimeter wave radar. This chip uses 28nm CMOS technology. Compared with the 40nm solution, it is smaller in size and lower in cost. It also integrates relevant digital algorithms, and has a better overall performance. It is revealed that this new radar solution is in application cooperation with some key customers.  

ADI key technology,
Enable unmanned driving

As one of the key technologies for the safety of unmanned driving, ADI's radar solution can cover the full frequency band of 24GHz and 76-81GHz, providing excellent performance and high integration. It is a small size, cost-effective and easy-to-use ultra-low power solution, suitable for applications such as physical detection, tracking, safety control and collision warning systems.

In addition, in terms of laser radar technology with stronger ranging capability and higher resolution, ADI acquired Vescent Photonics to increase the investment in pure solid state laser radar technology, aiming to promote the popularization and application of laser radar system in unmanned driving with the best performance and lowest cost at the system level. In addition, the uniquely developed ADI iSensor IMU technology portfolio has tactical stability and ultra-low noise, which can provide up to ten degrees of freedom of movement, and is fully factory calibrated and optimized for embedded sensor tuning.

In the field of automatic driving, ADI has created a Drive 360 automatic driving platformization scheme, which comprehensively covers key technologies such as radar, laser radar and IMU inertial navigation. Based on the previous long-term and extensive close cooperation with vehicle manufacturers and suppliers in the field of automobile safety, as well as the rich experience accumulated in the field of automatic driving and related semiconductor products, ADI is working hard to build an ecosystem with local partners by focusing on the four labels of "high-performance, low-cost, differentiated and system level solutions", It aims to contribute to the wave of global intelligent vehicle technology upgrading and automatic driving.

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