Love to eat fruit but fear to gain weight? It's safe to eat like this | Eat healthy
2024-05-27 12:58:31 Source: Healthy China Editor: Pan Xiaolin

Fruit can provide us with rich vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. However, if you don't pay attention to the sugar in the fruit and eat too much, it may lead to the accumulation of sugar, which will soon be converted into fat, leading to obesity.

What is the sugar in fruit

 Love to eat fruit but fear to gain weight? It's safe to eat like this | Eat healthy

The sugar in fruit mainly includes fructose, glucose and sucrose. Among them, fructose is a special sugar in fruits, and its sweetness is higher, but compared with glucose and sucrose, fructose is less dependent on insulin in the process of metabolism in the body. After the human body ingests fructose, it is metabolized by the liver. If too much fructose is not metabolized in time, it will be converted into fat and accumulated in the liver.

How to take proper sugar

 Love to eat fruit but fear to gain weight? It's safe to eat like this | Eat healthy

 Love to eat fruit but fear to gain weight? It's safe to eat like this | Eat healthy

Follow the principle of "moderate, diversified and balanced" diet, and control fruit intake.

Avoid taking a large amount of high sugar fruit at one time, and can take the fruit as dessert after dinner and eat it in batches.

Pay attention to matching with other foods, such as vegetables and cereals, to maintain nutritional balance.

How to choose fruit

Understand the sugar content of common fruits, and give priority to low sugar fruits.

Choose fresh and mature fruits and avoid over mature fruits, because over mature fruits may have high sugar content.

Pay attention to the consumption of fruits. Even low sugar fruits may lead to excessive consumption of sugar.

 Love to eat fruit but fear to gain weight? It's safe to eat like this | Eat healthy

Author: Xue Hainan, Liu Yuanyuan, Department of Health Medicine, Bethune International Peace Hospital

Reviewed by: Yu Kang, an expert from the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database and chief physician of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Planner: Zhang Cancan, Wang Ning

Edited by: Fan Hongyan

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