Xinfa Road Observation+| What "new" details are conveyed in this "high specification forum" in Jilin City? Originated by Kyrgyzstan - First News Wang Tao three million eight hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and ninety
Xinfa Road Observation+| What "new" details are conveyed in this "high specification forum" in Jilin City? Originated by Kyrgyzstan - First News Wang Tao three million eight hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred and ninety
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Xinfa Road Observation+| What "new" details are conveyed in this "high specification forum" in Jilin City?

2024-05-25 21:15      Source: China Jilin Network

In the early summer of May, Jilin City, Jilin Province welcomed a high-level event - the 19th China Economic Forum.

From the perspective of the theme of the forum, it is quite popular: "new momentum for the development of new quality productivity".

Following this main line, the reporter found that this forum has a high standard. The forum was guided by People's Daily, Jilin Provincial Party Committee of the CPC and Jilin Provincial People's Government, hosted by China Economic Weekly, Jilin Municipal Party Committee of the CPC and Jilin Municipal People's Government, and attended by more than 500 guests from the political, business and academic circles.

The "link" setting is also very interesting.

From the perspective of arrangement design, in addition to the opening ceremony and the main forum, this China Economic Forum also held three sub forums to carry out exchanges on topics such as "new quality productivity enhances new driving force of advanced manufacturing", "new quality productivity drives new development of modern agriculture" and "new quality productivity shapes new advantages of ice and snow economy".

It is not difficult to see that this forum is not only a seminar to anchor the high-quality development path of the new era and new journey, and to jointly think about the essence, theoretical connotation and practical requirements of the new quality productivity, but also a seminar to develop the new quality productivity based on the reality of Jilin in the new era, adapt to local conditions, and continue to promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of economic development, A grand practical on-site meeting to promote the transformation and upgrading of the old industrial base.

Accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces is a development proposition of the times. Deep cultivation of new quality productivity can shape core competitiveness and also build a new development pattern.

From a multidimensional perspective, how should Jilin grasp the opportunities behind the new quality productivity?

The reporter found many "details" on the forum, and selected several fragments from the point to the surface.

The equipment manufacturing industry is a bright business card of Jilin Province. Today, cars "made in Jilin" are flowing in a stream, bullet trains are flying around the world, and satellites travel in space

How can the new quality productivity enhance the new driving force of advanced manufacturing? These "golden ideas" are very powerful.

"Among the industries striving to develop new quality productivity, there are not only traditional industries after upgrading, but also new branches of emerging industries and future industries." Zhao Zhenhua, director of the Economics Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, said that traditional industries can become modern industries after upgrading, which can reshape new competitive advantages.

The capital market has a risk sharing and benefit sharing mechanism, which can help the innovative allocation of production factors and is an important guarantee for the development of new quality productivity.

"To develop new quality productivity, the high-quality development of the capital market plays an important role. We should continue to optimize the institutional arrangements for issuance and listing, steadily promote institutional opening in the financial sector, improve the market supervision system, and improve the legal and regulatory system for venture capital," said Guan Tao, chief economist of BOC Securities.

Jilin is a big agricultural province. At present, we are taking the development of modern agriculture as the main direction to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural province.

How can new quality productivity drive agricultural modernization?

The reporter also heard good suggestions on the spot. Experts took Jilin City, the host city of the 19th China Economic Forum, as an example——

"Jilin has both the foundation and conditions, and at the same time meets the requirements of 'new quality productivity drives new development of modern agriculture'. It is hoped that Jilin City will focus on land as the anchor, calculation as the foundation, and data driven, find a new way for smart agriculture to promote food production, product quality, and brand credibility, and explore the 'Jilin model' of low-cost, all factor smart agriculture." Wu Xiuyuan, vice president of China Agricultural Products Market Association, said.

The monitoring and early warning of the whole industrial chain of agricultural products is a high-end tool for modern agricultural risk prevention and scientific management, and an important part of the development of new quality productivity in the agricultural field.

Xu Shiwei, secretary-general of the Market Early Warning Expert Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and executive chairman of the China Agriculture Outlook Conference, said, "We should make monitoring and early warning technology play a greater role. Only by putting monitoring and early warning work in a higher position, can we achieve twice the result with half the effort and avoid detours in the construction of a powerful agricultural country and agricultural modernization."

High quality development is a "rock climbing competition", and the new quality productivity leading the future is a well deserved "commanding height".

The landscape of Dadong welcomes the world, and the city of Jiangcheng is full of grand gatherings.

A weighty forum to understand the deep logic of China's economy, starting from "new" and moving towards "new".

   Jike APP of China Jilin Network

Reporter Luan Xiliang, Wang Xinwen/Photo

Editor: Wang Tao Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222