Jilin Political Weekly Issue 75 | Jilin added two national technology innovation demonstration enterprises Changchun No. 54 tram culture and tourism special train officially launched Originated by Kyrgyzstan - First News Zhao Peng three million eight hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and sixty-seven
Jilin Political Weekly Issue 75 | Jilin added two national technology innovation demonstration enterprises Changchun No. 54 tram culture and tourism special train officially launched Originated by Kyrgyzstan - First News Zhao Peng three million eight hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and sixty-seven
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Jilin Political Weekly Issue 75 | Jilin added two national technology innovation demonstration enterprises Changchun No. 54 tram culture and tourism special train officially launched

2024-01-13 10:43      Source: China Jilin Network

Catch hot spots and see through development.

On January 13, China Jilin Network brought Jilin Political Affairs Weekly to everyone, inviting you to watch Jilin together.

   Political concerns 1

CRRC Changke National Industrial Design Center was officially unveiled

On January 8, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles National Industrial Design Center was unveiled at the company's National Railway Vehicles Engineering Research Center.

The "National Industrial Design Center", recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, represents the highest level of industrial design and the strongest innovation ability in China, and is the highest recognition of industrial design centers by the country. In November 2023, at the 6th China International Industrial Design Forum, CRRC Changke was awarded the title of "National Industrial Design Center" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, marking that CRRC Changke's industrial design innovation ability and industrial demonstration driving role have been recognized by the country, and will also play a leading and promoting role in the development of China's industrial design industry.

From the first subway train in New China to the innovative research and development of Fuxing series EMUs, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles has always led the industry with innovative design capabilities. At present, the company has won many industrial design awards at home and abroad, such as the Gold Award of China's Appearance Design Patent, the Gold Award of China's Excellent Industrial Design, the Silver Award of China's Red Star Award for Innovative Design, and the IF Design Award. Design schemes such as "Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity", "Snow Welcoming Spring", and "Rejuvenating Jiangnan" have won wide praise from industry experts and tourists.

  Comment: Over the years, the "Changke" brand has been rapidly developing in the motherland, and has achieved the acceleration of "China's smart manufacturing". Especially in the "face value" area, it frequently surprises the world.

   Political concerns 2

68 national technology innovation demonstration enterprises Jilin 2 were listed

Recently, the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of national technological innovation demonstration enterprises to be identified in 2023. After independent application by enterprises, recommendation by local and central enterprises and expert review, 68 enterprises including Shenyang Instrument Science Research Institute Co., Ltd. are proposed to be recognized as national technological innovation demonstration enterprises.


Cartographic tranquility

Among them, two Jilin enterprises, Changchun Biological Products Research Institute Co., Ltd. and Changchun Jieyi Auto Technology Co., Ltd., were on the list.

  Comment: "Create" the future! In Jilin, the "strong power" of scientific and technological innovation enabling high-quality development is bursting out with surging power.

  Political concerns 3

Changchun No. 54 tram culture and tourism special train officially launched

On January 11, the Changchun 54 tram culture and tourism special train was officially launched.             



Photographed by Jiang Shengsong, China Jilin Net

It is understood that the No. 54 tram culture and tourism special train will depart from Changying Station to Xi'an Road Station and return to Changying Station, with a total length of 15.28 kilometers and a running time of 1 hour. Tourists can search the "54 special cultural trains" through WeChat applet to make online reservation for tickets and seats. At the same time, the car is equipped with professional interpreters to explain the history and culture of the scenic spots along the way, so that tourists can feel the charm of the city in a short journey.

   Comment: Fully tap the cultural heritage and humanistic connotation of the city, and transform the "current flow" into "economic heat wave", so Changchun needs fire!

  Political concerns 4

Jilin Provincial Department of Transportation deployed winter ice and snow tourism transportation service guarantee

Recently, Jilin Provincial Department of Transportation issued a notice to put forward requirements for the service guarantee of winter ice and snow tourism transportation in the province.

Local transportation departments should strengthen communication and coordination with cultural and tourism departments, key tourist attractions, tourist resorts, ski resorts and other aspects, pay close attention to the arrival time of high-speed railway and civil aviation, scientifically study and judge the characteristics of passenger travel flow, flow time, flow direction and so on, conduct passenger flow investigation and prediction analysis in advance, prepare sufficient emergency transport capacity, and formulate transport organization plans, Provide transportation guarantee by operating tourist passenger dedicated line, bus dedicated line, tourist through bus, customized passenger transport, tourist charter bus and other means to avoid passenger detention.

  Comments: This group of "actions" is interesting to strengthen the organizational guarantee of transport capacity, optimize the transport service capacity, and do everything possible to meet the travel needs of tourists!

   Political concerns 5

No. 5 in China! Jilin Post announced the growth of its mail delivery business, with 101 million pieces delivered

Recently, China Jilin Network learned from Jilin Post Company that in 2023, the growth rate of postal business income of our province will rank 14th in the country; The growth rate of mail and delivery business income ranks fifth in China's postal service. The province's postal services realized revenue increase, profit increase and development acceleration.

  Comment: The post is accessible to promote the revitalization, and the "small package" reflects the "big economy".

   Political Concerns 6

From January to November last year, the key industries of service industry above designated size in Jilin Province achieved "acceleration"

Accelerating the high-quality development of the service industry is a key link in promoting transformation and upgrading and achieving high-quality economic development.

On January 12, China Jilin Network obtained a set of data related to the service industry of Jilin Province.

Cartographic tranquility

"Since the beginning of last year, Jilin Province has deeply implemented 22 major projects in the service industry. Policies and measures have continued to be effective, service demand has accelerated, the service industry in the province has achieved rapid growth, and emerging service industries have continued to grow." Pan Yu, director of the Service Industry Statistics Department of Jilin Provincial Bureau of Statistics, said.

   Comment: The service industry is one of the core competitiveness of the region. Behind the leaping figures, what is projected is the "new momentum" of Jilin's all-round revitalization and taking the lead in achieving new breakthroughs!

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Reporter Luan Xiliang

Editor: Zhao Peng Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222