one thousand four hundred and thirty-eight point seven Provincial News - Jilin News Map Liang Huanhuan three million eight hundred and forty-four thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine
one thousand four hundred and thirty-eight point seven Provincial News - Jilin News Map Liang Huanhuan three million eight hundred and forty-four thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine
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one thousand four hundred and thirty-eight point seven

2024-05-04 15:52      Source: Auspicious green flying

1438.7 What is it?

Some people might say it's a string of numbers

Some people may say it's a line of code

Others may say it is an altitude, a journey

Today is May 4th Youth Day

Let's take a look at the 1438.7 exclusive to Jilin youth


Young immigration management police force

Fully perform the statutory functions from January 2019

It is the youngest team in the current police order

"A promising field, a promising hot spot"

In this "black land"

Jilin Entry Exit Frontier Inspection Station Immigration Management Police Guard the Border

Rest on one's laurels for national security

They inherit the enduring spirit of the Northeast Anti Japanese Federation

Garrison at the border fortress and march on the high mountains and snowfields

Standing on the top of Tianchi Lake

Guarding the harmony and peace of thousands of lights

They are well trained and have an excellent style

Stick to the frontier port

Forge the mission with unrepentant loyalty

They sprinkle their youth on the white mountain pines

Pour loyalty into the frontline of the two rivers

At the 1438.7 km border

Build a steel levee

New era and new journey

Their steps are sonorous

Take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs for Jilin's overall revitalization

Contribute to the power of youth!

They can bear hardships and dare to bear them

Love people and value dedication

The place where they stand is China

Where there are them, there is peace

Micro film Guard

With this piece

Xiang guards the 1438.7km border line in Jilin

Tribute to the young people of Jilin who defend the country and defend the border!

The eastern land border line of Jilin Province is 1438.7 kilometers long

Including 1206 kilometers of China DPRK border line

The border line between China and Russia is 232.7 km

At the foot of Changbai Mountain, Tumen River and Yalu River valleys

216 border villages are distributed

This is the place where "Wang Tieying" guards day and night

I often forget time.

I often can't be there.

I always lose my way.

But I believe that the road under foot is the direction.

Two wheels and a pair of foot boards for climbing hills and ravines

Draw a map that only I can understand

It is my strong guard against the iron wall.

Since then, the mountain is no longer far away and the water is no longer long

I could not draw a beautiful picture, so I turned into soil under my feet.

I can't catch the time, so I exchange my youth for people's happiness.

I was separated and lacked skills, so I spread my faith and enthusiasm to the border defense line.

With my sincere heart

Eagerly respond to every sincere wish

With my ordinary body

Struggle to lift the weight of life

Not all dreams are about life and death

It's also about dedication and persistence

From "a while" to "a lifetime"

Give your youth to the land under your feet

Build lofty boundary markers with blood

I am on the way to defend the country and defend the border.

What is youth? Why struggle?

1438.7 km border in Jilin

The youth of Jilin Province are confirmed with youth and blood

"Clear love, only for China"

On the special day of May 4th Youth Day

Let's pay tribute to the heroes who defend the country and defend the border!

  Source: Ji Qingfeiyang

Editor: Liang Huanhuan Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222