[Daily Practice] Always tighten the string of food security Domestic news - the first news Zhao Xin three million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand three hundred and thirty-five
[Daily Practice] Always tighten the string of food security Domestic news - the first news Zhao Xin three million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand three hundred and thirty-five
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[Daily Practice] Always tighten the string of food security

2024-06-15 22:18      Source: CCTV client


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Xi Jinping: We should take precautions, always tighten the strings of food security, and always adhere to the principle of "giving priority to ourselves, basing ourselves on the domestic market, ensuring production capacity, appropriate imports, and scientific and technological support".

This is a speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping on March 6, 2022, when he visited members of the agricultural sector, social welfare and social security sectors who participated in the Fifth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee.

Now it is the "three summers" season, which is a key period for crop planting throughout the year. The fertile fields in the north and south of China present a scene of busy work. Henan, Anhui, Shandong and other places are entering the winter wheat harvest period. Agricultural machinery shuttles back and forth in the golden wheat fields, busy harvesting mature wheat back to the warehouse; In the rice producing areas of Yunnan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces, farmers actively seize the agricultural time to plant late rice for irrigation, ploughing and transplanting, and strive to lay a solid foundation for this autumn harvest; In Heilongjiang, the largest grain producing province in China, intelligent equipment such as fertilizer drones and pest forecasting lights have been widely used, making the summer pipe work more accurate and efficient

Solid granaries make the world safe. Food security is related to the stability of the consumer market, the healthy development of the economy and the long-term stability of the country. Since the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to food security, always put solving the problem of feeding more than 1.4 billion Chinese people as the top priority in governing the country, established and implemented the national food security strategy of "focusing on China, basing on China, ensuring production capacity, appropriate imports, and scientific and technological support", and constantly improved China's comprehensive grain production capacity.

Today, with the strict implementation of the cultivated land protection system, the total amount of cultivated land in China has achieved net growth in the last three years, and the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land protection has been further maintained. At the same time, all regions have accelerated the comprehensive treatment of saline alkali land, selected salt tolerant crops while improving soil, and tried to find more effective ways to improve and utilize saline alkali land, so as to wake up more "sleeping" arable land resources. For example, in the coastal saline alkali area of Cangzhou, Hebei Province, 2800 mu of saline alkali land can be used for farming only 1400 mu ten years ago, but now after treatment, 2300 mu can be cultivated. To stabilize the area, we should also increase the yield per unit area. From accelerating the construction of high standard farmland to continuously cultivating high-quality seeds, from organizing agricultural technology experts to go to the countryside to provide professional training to farmers, to promoting the use of intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment, all regions have continued to make efforts in good fields, good varieties, good laws, good opportunities, and good systems, and constantly improve the scientific and technological content, production efficiency, and comprehensive capacity of all links in the whole field of food production. In 2023, the national grain output will be 1.39 trillion jin, an increase of 17.76 billion jin over the previous year, and will remain above 1.3 trillion jin for nine consecutive years.

Recently, North China, the Yellow River and Huaihe River regions continue to be hot and dry, and there are heavy rainfall weather in Jiangnan and South China. The sudden extreme weather is bound to bring adverse effects on agricultural production everywhere. All localities should strengthen monitoring and early warning, actively take emergency measures, help farmers better cope with natural disasters, minimize the impact of disasters on agricultural production, especially grain production, and lay a solid foundation for achieving a bumper harvest of grain throughout the year.

Source: CCTV client

Editor: Zhao Xin Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222