
Another memoir about Trump is about to be published Family disputes and secret stories

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2024-06-14 13:26:55    Beijing News

Another memoir about Trump will be published soon

The documentary Trump: An American Dream shows another side of the Trump family. Recently, Fred C. Trump III, the nephew of Donald J. Trump, the former President of the United States, announced that he would launch a new book on July 30, "The Whole Family: The Trump Family and How We Came Today", which aims to describe the complex relationship with the family. It is worth noting that the publication time of the book is close to the 2024 US presidential election, and the publishing house suggested that the content of the book may have an impact on national decision-making, although the specific details have not been disclosed. Another memoir about Trump will be published soon!

 Another memoir about Trump will be published soon

It is reported that this memoir is described as frank and enlightening, promising to reveal the stories of the Trump family that have not been disclosed, which may reveal the unknown side of the Trump empire. However, Fred III himself has always kept a low profile. He is neither a public figure nor has he publicly commented on his uncle Donald Trump. He even refused media interviews during the promotion of his new book.

 Another memoir about Trump is about to be published Family disputes and secret stories

In his memoirs, the focus of the conflict between Fred III and his family is around the issue of heritage. His father, Fred Trump Jr., died of alcoholism in his early years. The rift in the family due to inheritance distribution intensified after the death of old Fred Trump in 1999, when his descendants were excluded from the will. In the subsequent legal dispute, Donald Trump and other family members stopped providing financial assistance to Fred III's sick son, which will be discussed in depth in the book.

Fred III's sister Mary had published a similar memoir in 2020, but Fred made it clear that he was not involved. Now, he decided to speak through his new book, which marked a significant change in his attitude. As he said in the book, "Silence is precious only when there is nothing to say.".

In recent years, memoirs about Trump and his surrounding people have emerged and been welcomed by the market, including the works of former national security adviser, former vice president and Trump's family members and friends. In contrast, the number of similar books has decreased in this election cycle, which makes Fred III's new works more eye-catching.

( Responsible editor : Lu Qilong CN070)

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