
Health Commission: China's average life expectancy has risen to 78.2 years, a historic leap

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2022-09-07 16:28:37    Beijing News

Original title: National Health Commission: China's average life expectancy has increased to 78.2 years

According to CCTV news, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee held a series of news conferences on the theme of "China's Decade" on the afternoon of September 7.

Li Bin, deputy director of the National Health Commission, said: China's average life expectancy has increased from 74.8 years to 78.2 years, which is a historic leap. The main health indicators are in the forefront of high-income countries, and the people's right to health is fully guaranteed.

According to Li Bin, this decade has witnessed the continuous deepening of the reform of the medical and health system and the acceleration of the solution of the problem of "difficult and expensive access to medical services".

The National Health Commission has historically and comprehensively broken down the old system of medicine, continued to promote the transformation from "treating diseases as the center" to "people's health as the center", and promoted the experience of Sanming medical reform. The three-level network of medical and health services covering urban and rural areas has been continuously improved, and 90% of families can reach the nearest medical point within 15 minutes. The number of varieties in the national essential drugs list has increased to 685. The number of people covered by basic medical insurance exceeded 1.36 billion, and the proportion of residents' personal health expenditure in total health expenditure fell to 27.7%.

Li Bin introduced that this decade is a decade to promote the long-term balanced development of the population and further improve the health level of "one old and one young".

The National Health Commission has continuously optimized the birth policy, successively implemented the two child, two child and three child policy, cancelled social support and other restrictive measures, and launched a series of supporting policies. We will implement the national strategy of actively responding to the aging population, deepen the integration of medical care and elderly care, and actively promote the construction of an elderly friendly society. Maternal and infant safety assurance capacity has been significantly improved. The infant mortality rate and the mortality rate of children under 5 years old in China are far lower than the average level of high-income countries, and the core indicators of maternal and child health have been further improved.

According to Li Bin, the National Health Commission conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and worked with relevant departments to take multiple measures to implement them. The main goals of the Healthy China Action in 2022 were achieved ahead of schedule, and the construction of a healthy China started well and progressed smoothly.

First, the policy system to promote health has been basically established. The Health China Action Promotion Committee was established, and the Expert Advisory Committee was established to explore the establishment of a health impact assessment system, forming a working pattern of departmental coordination and provincial, municipal and county linkage.

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