
Sanya's post 00 boss Mid Autumn Festival may be suspected of violating the law by withholding 50% of the employee's salary for filial piety

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2022-09-07 16:14:22   

Recently, Sanya, Hainan.

One company introduced the "filial piety on behalf of others" welfare to reflect the Mid Autumn Festival care.

"Withholding" 50% of the employee's salary as Mid Autumn Festival filial piety gold is credited to the employee's parents' account, and the boss pays the bill to give each employee's parents a valuable Mid Autumn gift box.

The employee was ungrateful and sent a letter saying that the company that became the boss after 00 was too magical. The boss of Sanya after 00 Mid Autumn Festival deducted 50% of the employee's salary to be filial!

Are you willing to go to such a company?

Media discourse

Labor afternoon report: The enterprise "works for" employees to be filial, so it is not necessary to think about the salary of employees.

We should work hard to meet the needs of the elderly, not just to give money. For example, the promotion of paid filial piety leave allows employees to spend more time with their parents; Another example is to pick up employees' parents to visit the enterprise, so that parents can feel the working environment of their children; Another example is to organize employees and parents to travel together if conditions permit.

Opinions of "Workers Online":

@Wendao Light Sword:

The enterprise "works for" employees to be filial, which seems to be "kind", but is actually doing bad things.

First, the enterprise draws 100-300 yuan from the monthly salary of employees every month, which is suspected to be illegal.

According to Article 14 of the Regulations of Guangdong Province on Payment of Wages, in one of the four cases, the employer can withhold from the wages of workers in accordance with relevant regulations, including the maintenance fees judged and ruled by the people's court. Foshan, an enterprise, without the judgment and ruling of the people's court, arbitrarily draws 100-300 yuan from the monthly salary of employees every month to "show filial piety for employees", which is obviously illegal and belongs to the behavior of withholding workers' wages without reason. In this regard, the worker can refuse, report to the labor administrative department, or even resign on the grounds that the employer has not paid the salary in full, and request to make up the difference and pay economic compensation.

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