
Henan Scientists Solve a World Problem: Soil Management in Arid Areas

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2022-09-07 15:38:01   

#Henan Scientists Solve a World Problem # [It only takes half a year! The Chief Scientist has landed a scientific research achievement in Henan to solve a world problem]

Recently, the reporter came to Henan Academy of Sciences, and Yu Long, the chief scientist, demonstrated a new technology on the spot!

Through the improvement of chemical fertilizer, the soil's water holding capacity can be increased by 30%, which will solve the global problem of soil governance in arid areas at one stroke.

This "reactive extrusion" technology is the first scientific research achievement of Yu Long, the chief scientist introduced by the Provincial Academy of Sciences, who came to Henan and was recognized as one of the top ten chemical directions in the international chemical field.

At present, it has been successfully applied to saline alkali land treatment in Xinjiang, three northeastern provinces and other regions.

It only takes half a year from defining the subject to implementing the project.

From the video it shows, add a little "solid" material into the beaker, add water into it, and then something magical happens. This solid can lock up the water quickly, and even if the beaker is completely turned over, the water will not flow out.

Yu Long said, "It's like a small reservoir in the soil.".

What's more valuable is that it only takes half a year from defining the research topic to project application. Yu Long said, "Whether it's recruitment, the direction of the research topic and the use of funds, it's up to the PI and me to decide. Through such a loose system, you can give full play to your expertise."

It is worth mentioning that since last year, Henan Academy of Sciences has introduced seven national outstanding young scholars and Yangtze River scholars as chief scientists to build a world-class R&D platform around aerospace information, chemical energy and other fields.

( Responsible editor : Zhou Jingjing CN032)

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