Foreign enterprises cast a "vote of confidence" on the Chinese economy, and they are full of confidence and expectation on the Chinese market

Source: CCTV | May 8, 2024 13:34:25
CCTV | May 8, 2024 13:34:25
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CCTV News: The China International Fair, China International Trade Fair, China International Consumer Fair and China Canton Fair are called the four major international exhibitions in China, which together constitute China's national business exhibition system. The four major exhibitions demonstrated China's confidence and determination in adhering to a high level of opening up, and provided opportunities for global enterprises to share China's big market.

The 4th China International Consumer Goods Expo is the first international exhibition held in 2024 in China, with more than 4000 brands from 71 countries and regions participating in the exhibition. Many exhibitors expressed their confidence and expectations for the Chinese market.

Fakundo Fernandez Gra, Acting Consul General of the Consulate General of Uruguay in Guangzhou, said that Uruguay is one of the largest beef exporters and China is our largest trading partner. They hope to provide more high-quality products to more and more Chinese consumers.

Italian exhibitor Fang Tana said that they plan to open more stores in China and hope to invest in China. They trust this country.

Ennister, an Irish exhibitor, said that the local government has made every effort to operate in China in order to facilitate the import of goods. Hainan is an excellent window for them to enter the Chinese market.

The Irish ambassador to China, Andersen, is an old friend of the Consumer Expo. Every year, she comes to the site to "speak for" her own products. She can always see the ambassador at other international exhibitions held in China, such as the China International Consumer Expo and the China International Trade Fair.

In her opinion, every exhibition is a good opportunity to introduce Ireland to the Chinese market. Moreover, several international exhibitions have their own characteristics, and none can be missed. For example, the Consumer Expo is suitable for displaying Irish whisky and high-quality agricultural products. The Service Trade Fair focuses on service trade, which is suitable for promoting Ireland's high-quality education and tourism resources. The scale of the Expo is the largest, which is a good opportunity to show Ireland's national and corporate image. Through these international exhibitions, the trade in goods and services between Ireland and China has also developed rapidly.

Andewen said that the economic and trade cooperation between Ireland and China is indeed growing. The latest figure is that the two sides completed more than 45 billion euros of bilateral trade in goods and services in 2022. As China continues to open to the outside world, especially in the service sector, it is a good opportunity for Irish companies.

Zhang Chuangdi, President of Malaysian Association for the Promotion of International Business, has participated in more than 60 Canton Fair. Over the years, he has also witnessed the process of China holding various international exhibitions and opening up the Chinese market.

Zhang Chuangdi said that China's further opening up of the market is good for the whole world. Under the great prospect, Malaysian enterprises and Chinese enterprises will have more or further exchanges and interactions.

Some industry experts called the four major exhibitions "four-wheel drive" to "build China's international market". The Report on the Development of China's Exhibition Economy 2023 released by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade shows that in 2023, China will hold 3923 economic and trade exhibitions, which will build an important platform for global enterprises to "invest in China".

Jiang Ping, a researcher at the National Institute of Opening up Studies at the University of International Business and Economics, said that the global economic recovery is relatively weak and geopolitical conflicts continue. We have built a large platform for countries to communicate, exchange and promote economic and trade cooperation, which reflects our responsibility to build a global community of destiny.

Some experts said that international exhibitions are an important channel to understand China's market trends and policy orientation, and have important reference significance for enterprises' future investment. More and more global enterprises are turning from exhibitors to investors, and have cast a "vote of confidence" in China's economy with practical actions.

Editor: Yang Shujie Editor in charge: Liu Liang
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Reading: Foreign enterprises cast a "vote of confidence" on the Chinese economy, and they are full of confidence and expectation on the Chinese market
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