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[Follow the footsteps of the General Secretary] Strive to write a new chapter in Jiangsu's modernization drive

news channel Source: CCTV 20:10, June 2, 2022 A- A+  QR code
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   CCTV News (News broadcast): Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Jiangsu for three times to investigate and study, go deep into manufacturing enterprises, look along the Yangtze River, and visit rural communities, requiring Jiangsu to strive to build a new Jiangsu with strong economy, rich people, beautiful environment, and high degree of social civilization. Bearing in mind the entrustment of the General Secretary, Jiangsu will march bravely along the direction guided by the General Secretary, and strive to write a new chapter of Jiangsu's modernization.

Jiangsu Province, located in the eastern coast of China, is an important manufacturing base in China, and its total import and export volume ranks first in the country. Two days ago, the world's first rigid self unloading new energy tramcar developed and produced by XCMG was exported to South America in batches.

In December 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, that the real economy must focus on manufacturing. To increase investment, strengthen research and development, and accelerate development, we must be confident, patient, and determined to focus on independent innovation.

Bearing in mind the entrustment of the General Secretary, Jiangsu has made great efforts to explore a good model and experience of innovative development, and has successively built a national major scientific and technological infrastructure, a national technological innovation center, and a national manufacturing innovation center. By 2021, the number of high-tech enterprises in Jiangsu has exceeded 37000, more than seven times that of 2012, and the regional GDP has reached a new level of 11 trillion yuan.

High quality development and high-level openness.

In December 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized on the need to strengthen export competitiveness, create new advantages in an open economy, and expand new space for opening up to the outside world. The speech of the General Secretary pointed out the direction for Jiangsu to build a new highland of high-level opening up.

In 2021, Jiangsu's foreign trade import and export will reach 5.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 13.3% of the country. In 2021, the actually utilized foreign capital will reach 33 billion US dollars, ranking first in China. The volume of foreign trade has increased in quality and the pace of two-way opening has been steady.

Along the Yangtze River, although Jiangsu has less than 10% of the river section, it bears 70% of the freight volume of the whole Yangtze River.

In November 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Nantong City, which is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, and urged local cadres and masses to take a new path of ecological priority and green development.

The earnest advice of the General Secretary is the driving force for Jiangsu to move forward. In recent years, Jiangsu has stepped up efforts to renovate and restore the riverside shoreline, implemented the ban on capture and retreat in the Yangtze River waters, and built an ecological green corridor. 72.6 kilometers of production shoreline along the river have all been withdrawn, and more than 4400 chemical enterprises have been reduced. "Yangtze River protection" has improved the "green content" and "gold content" of high-quality development in Jiangsu Province.

The Yangtze River runs through the east and west, and the canal connects the north and south. The Yangtze River and the canal meet in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the protection of the cultural heritage of the Grand Canal. He pointed out that it is necessary to integrate the protection of the cultural heritage of the Grand Canal with the protection and improvement of the ecological environment, the protection and restoration of famous cities and towns along the route, the integrated development of cultural tourism, and the transformation and improvement of the canal shipping, so as to create favorable conditions for the economic and social development of the regions along the Grand Canal and the improvement of people's lives.

Last June, the China Grand Canal Museum officially opened; Cultural parks such as the green belt along the canal and waterfront trails with the theme of green and culture have been built in succession, and the construction of the Grand Canal cultural belt has been accelerated.

Development depends on the people, development is for the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people. Over the past decade, the per capita disposable income in Jiangsu has increased from more than 22000 yuan to more than 47000 yuan, and the public service system and social security have become more sound. Today, the beautiful blueprint of strong economy, rich people, beautiful environment and high level of social civilization that the General Secretary worked out for Jiangsu is gradually becoming a reality.

Editor: Xie Botao Editor in charge: Liu Liang
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