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The Vice Chairman of SDIC Power resigned!

2024-06-26 18:11 Source: Polaris Power Grid key word: SDIC Power Luo Shaoxiang Electric power personnel Collection give the thumbs-up


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Polaris Power Grid learned that on June 26, SDIC Power Announce the resignation of the Vice Chairman. The announcement said that the board of directors of SDIC Power recently received the vice chairman of the company Luo Shaoxiang Mr. Luo Shaoxiang proposed to resign as a director, vice chairman, member of the Strategy Committee and member of the Environment, Society and Governance Committee of the Company due to job adjustment, and confirmed that there was no difference of opinion with the Board of Directors of the Company, and there was no need to bring matters to the attention of shareholders and creditors of the Company.

According to public data, Luo Shaoxiang, male, born in June 1964, is a master's student and senior engineer. He has successively served as Deputy Director and Director of Strategic Development Department of SDIC, Director of Operation Management Department of SDIC, Equity Director of SDIC, and Vice Chairman of SDIC Power.

Contributions and news clues: Ms. Chen WeChat/mobile phone: 13693626116 Email: chenchen # bjxmail.com (please change # to @)

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