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170000 undergraduate students annually! CGN will launch campus recruitment in the summer of 2024

2024-06-18 13:29 Source: Polaris Power Grid key word: CGN nuclear power Electric power central enterprises Collection give the thumbs-up


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On June 18, CGN Campus recruitment will be launched in the summer of 2024. China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group is accompanied by China's reform and opening up and nuclear power The central enterprises that have grown and developed are the world's leading suppliers and service providers of clean energy, and the Group's comprehensive benefits rank top among the central enterprises. CGN Group is a large clean energy group characterized by nuclear energy. It has 28 nuclear power generating units in operation, 10 nuclear power generating units under construction, 5 listed platforms, 47000 employees, and nearly 2.9 trillion kilowatt hours of cumulative online electricity.

In the summer of 2024, the recruitment targets of the campus are Graduates of 2023 and 2024 at home and abroad, bachelor's and master's degree

Recruitment companies: CGN Engineering Co., Ltd., Suzhou Thermal Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangxi Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., CGN Huizhou Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., CGN Uranium Industry Development Co., Ltd., CGN Finance Co., Ltd., CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd. (self recruitment), CGN Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd. (self recruitment)

Recruitment majors: machinery, electrical, instrument, nuclear engineering computer, energy and power materials, automation, engineering, civil engineering, water conservancy, geology, architecture. (* The recruitment majors are mainly science and engineering, and there is a small demand for business management and news communication majors)

In terms of salary income, 170000 undergraduates, 190000 masters and 240000 doctors (* The above revenue refers to the total revenue of nuclear power related companies in the first year after becoming regular)


Contributions and news clues: Ms. Chen WeChat/mobile phone: 13693626116 Email: chenchen # bjxmail.com (please change # to @)

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