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The first green card transaction of POWERCHINA Southwest Power Sales Company was completed

2024-05-13 09:47 Source: China Power Construction Group key word: Green syndrome Electricity trading Green card transaction Collection give the thumbs-up


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On May 10, POWERCHINA Southwest Power Sales Company was in Beijing Electricity trading The platform successfully completed the first parity Green syndrome The first delivery of the project marks the company's breakthrough from "0" to "1" in the field of green card purchase and sales. This transaction resulted in 77930kg of carbon emission reduction, with significant environmental benefits. It is particularly worth mentioning that the green certificate is derived from the new energy photovoltaic power generation parity online project within the company group, highlighting the efficient collaboration and resource advantages in green energy integration within the group.

It is reported that the green power certificate, referred to as the green power certificate, is the only proof of the environmental attributes of renewable energy power in China, and also the only proof of green power production and consumption. A green certificate corresponds to 1000 kilowatt hours of renewable energy electricity. When enterprises purchase a green certificate, it is equivalent to consuming green electricity and meeting the demand for green energy. At present, the world advocates energy conservation and emission reduction, and the trade export of green power products such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation has become a major trend, Green card transaction It is not only the key path to realize the national "double carbon" strategic goal of marketization, but also lays a solid foundation for accelerating the construction of a modern and sustainable new power system.

In the context of China's efforts to promote the high-quality development of new energy, the company will closely focus on the national "double carbon" strategic goal, actively promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, and contribute the wisdom and strength of power construction to the construction of China's new energy system.

Contributions and news clues: Ms. Chen WeChat/mobile phone: 13693626116 Email: chenchen # bjxmail.com (please change # to @)

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