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Hunan Energy Supervision Office solidly carried out on-site investigation and continued to promote incremental distribution reform

2024-05-07 16:35 Source: Hunan Energy Supervision Office key word: Incremental distribution Incremental distribution network Electric power system reform Collection give the thumbs-up


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Incremental distribution Business reform is a new round in China Electric power system reform As a major measure, Hunan Energy Regulatory Office attaches great importance to the reform of incremental distribution business and actively promotes the operation of incremental distribution network enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations. Some pilot projects of incremental power distribution in Hunan have explored and operated in practice, carried out integrated service of distribution and sale of electricity, launched comprehensive energy service projects, and played an active role in exploring new modes of energy consumption, energy utilization, energy services, etc.

Recently, in order to further understand the operating conditions and existing problems of the current incremental distribution network enterprises, Hunan Energy Regulatory Office, based on the previous written research, led by the person in charge, carried out on-site research on Hunan Hengtai Power Distribution Co., Ltd. and Hunan Hongyuan Power Distribution Co., Ltd. The research team went to Tangjiatian Village, Zhongfang County, Huaihua City to have a discussion with the village secretary and the person in charge of the grass-roots power supply office, and listened to the people's demand for "urgent difficulties and anxieties"; Organize relevant responsible persons of power grid enterprises and incremental distribution enterprises to hold research meetings and listen to relevant reports. At the meeting, the person in charge of the Hunan Energy Regulatory Office pointed out that all units actively supported the incremental distribution reform, cooperated with each other, negotiated amicably and took the initiative in the transfer and acceptance of incremental distribution business, jointly promoted the reform pilot work, and achieved tangible results, which is worthy of recognition. At the same time, it was emphasized that first, we should further improve our political position, strengthen our understanding of the importance and necessity of power system reform, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on power system reform, take practical measures, further promote the pilot work to go deep and practical, and strive to be a model of first and foremost. Second, for individual villages in the state grid power supply area, which are powered by incremental distribution enterprises due to historical reasons, the power supply business in the power supply area shall be transferred according to the division of power supply business areas of both parties. The transfer shall be completed within one month, and publicity and explanation shall be made to ensure that users are "insensitive" to the transfer and report the transfer in a timely manner.

Next, Hunan Energy Regulatory Office will do a good job in the transformation and application of research results of incremental distribution enterprises, continue to strengthen the licensing services and follow-up supervision of incremental distribution enterprises, help enterprises solve practical problems, and help the reform of incremental distribution and high-quality development of Hunan Energy.

Contributions and news clues: Ms. Chen WeChat/mobile phone: 13693626116 Email: chenchen # bjxmail.com (please change # to @)

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