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Guizhou: Centralized wind power and photovoltaic projects shall be configured with energy storage at least 10% of the installed capacity for 2h!

2024-04-07 08:39 Source: Guizhou Energy Bureau key word: Energy storage power station Energy storage project New energy+energy storage Collection give the thumbs-up


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On April 3, the Energy Bureau of Guizhou Province issued the "Notice on the Public Solicitation of New Models in Guizhou Province Energy storage project Interim Measures for Management (Revised Draft for Comments)>Letter of Comments and Suggestions to standardize the management of new energy storage projects in Guizhou Province, orderly promote project construction, and improve the power security supply capacity and new energy consumption level.

The Consultation pointed out that“ New energy+energy storage ”Mechanism, for centralized wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects, the proportion of no less than 10% of the installed capacity (2 hours) is temporarily configured Energy storage power station The energy storage power station can be self built, co built or leased by enterprises.

New energy storage projects shall be put on record. In terms of operation and commissioning, the new energy storage project is mainly market-oriented and optimized for dispatching and operation; New energy storage projects at the power supply side that do not have independent conditions can participate in dispatching as a whole with the power supply; For new energy storage projects that have not participated in the market for the time being, power dispatching agencies should establish a scientific dispatching mechanism to improve the utilization level of projects.

After the grid side and power side new energy storage projects are put into operation, they can provide leasing services for wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects. Encourage new energy enterprises to sign agreements with energy storage enterprises, and the new energy enterprises will pay the storage lease fees. The energy storage enterprises will provide services according to the capacity, and form the lease price through mutual consultation. Encourage the signing of medium and long-term agreements of 3-5 years and more.

For the new energy storage on the grid side, the provincial energy competent department shall prepare the development plan and issue the construction scale capacity annually. In principle, the project is located in the load center, areas with weak power grid regulation capacity and limited new energy consumption. The key construction power is not less than 50MW/100MWh.

Letter on Publicly Soliciting Opinions and Suggestions on the Interim Measures for the Management of New Energy Storage Projects in Guizhou Province (Revised Draft for Comments)

In order to standardize the management of new energy storage projects in Guizhou Province, orderly promote the project construction, and improve the power security guarantee supply capacity and new energy consumption level, our bureau revised the Interim Measures for the Management of New Energy Storage Projects in Guizhou Province to form the Interim Measures for the Management of New Energy Storage Projects in Guizhou Province (Revised Draft for Comments), which is now open to the public for comments and suggestions.

Relevant units and people from all walks of life are welcome to put forward valuable suggestions and feedback via email within 30 days (April 3 to May 2) from the date of this notice( 1281549860@qq.com )。

Thank you for your participation and support!

April 3, 2024

Interim Measures of Guizhou Province on the Management of New Energy Storage Projects

(Revised Draft for Comments)

general provisions

Article 1 In order to standardize the management of new energy storage projects in our province and accelerate the construction of a new power system, in accordance with the spirit of such documents as the Code for Management of New Energy Storage Projects (Interim) (GNFGJG [2021] No. 47), the Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage (NDRC [2021] No. 1051), The Measures are formulated in combination with the actual situation of our province.

Article 2 The term "new energy storage projects" as mentioned in these Measures refers to energy storage projects that, in addition to pumped storage, mainly take the form of electric power output and provide external services. Including electrochemical energy storage, flywheel energy storage, compressed air energy storage, hydrogen (ammonia) energy storage, cold (hot) energy storage, etc. According to the application scenarios, the new energy storage is divided into three categories: grid side, power side and user side

Article 3 The provincial competent energy department is responsible for the development, supervision and management of new energy storage projects in the province; The municipal (prefecture) level energy competent department is responsible for the guidance, supervision, coordination, service, supervision and management of project construction; The county (city, district, special zone) level energy authorities are responsible for project filing management, coordination and implementation of construction conditions, safety supervision, etc.

Chapter II Planning and Layout

Article 4 According to the national development plan for new energy storage, the provincial energy department shall carry out special planning and research on new energy storage in combination with the construction of new power system, new energy consumption, pumped storage development and other conditions in the province, propose the scale of each region and project layout, and guide the project construction scientifically and reasonably.

Article 5 The provincial competent energy department shall, according to the needs of the power system, prepare the annual development plan for the new energy storage at the grid side and issue the construction scale and capacity. In principle, the project is located in the load center, areas with weak power grid regulation capacity and limited new energy consumption. The key construction projects are those with power no less than 50000 kilowatts and capacity no less than 100000 kilowatt hours.

Article 6 The new energy storage at the power supply side shall be well arranged by the investor according to the scale of new energy storage in each region and the needs of other power supply projects planned and constructed by the enterprise.

Article 7 The new energy storage on the user side shall be planned and laid out by the investor according to its own needs. Encourage the construction of new energy storage projects such as micro grid, big data center, 5G base station, charging facilities and industrial park, and expand different application scenarios under the conditions of implementation of construction and safety

Article 8 Establish a "new energy+energy storage" mechanism, and allocate energy storage power stations for centralized wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects at a ratio of no less than 10% of the installed capacity (for 2 hours). The energy storage power station can be self built, co built or leased by enterprises.

Chapter III Project Filing

Article 9 The new energy storage projects shall be put on record. The county (city, district, special zone) level energy authorities shall be responsible for the record, and the project record shall be submitted to the provincial energy authorities in a timely manner, with a copy to the Guizhou branch of the National Energy Administration.

Article 10 The filing content of new energy storage projects shall include: basic information of the project unit, project name, construction site, construction scale, construction content (including technical route, application scenario, main functions, technical standards, environmental protection and safety, etc.), total investment of the project, and project compliance with industrial policy statement.

Article 11 For a new energy storage project that has been filed, if the project legal person changes the construction site, scale, and content of the project, or abandons the project construction, the project unit shall inform the project filing authority in a timely manner and modify the relevant information.

Chapter IV Construction and Grid Connection

Article 12 After the new energy storage project is put on record, the investor shall go through the pre commencement formalities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and start the construction in time after implementing the construction conditions and safety measures.

Article 13 Power grid enterprises shall, in accordance with the planning and layout of new energy storage, carry out the planning and construction of supporting power grids as a whole. Power grid supporting projects and the construction of new energy storage projects need to coordinate with each other to provide impartial and non discriminatory access to power grids for new energy storage projects. Power generation enterprises are allowed to invest in the construction of power grid supporting projects that are difficult for power grid enterprises to construct or do not match the planning and construction time sequence. With the mutual agreement of power grid enterprises and power generation enterprises, the power grid enterprises can buy back the power grid supporting projects in accordance with laws and regulations at an appropriate time.

Article 14 The commissioning and acceptance of grid connection and grid related projects of new energy storage projects shall be carried out with reference to the grid connection process of power supply projects. The power grid enterprises shall define the grid connection requirements and the commissioning and acceptance process according to relevant standards and specifications, and actively cooperate with the grid connection commissioning and acceptance of new energy storage projects.

Article 15 After the completion of the new energy storage project, the investor shall carry out special acceptance of environmental protection, water and soil conservation, fire protection, safety, grid connection, etc. in accordance with relevant national regulations. After each special acceptance and all equipment commissioning acceptance are passed, the project investor shall organize the project completion acceptance, invite relevant industry management departments to participate, and timely report the summary report, acceptance appraisal and relevant materials to the project filing unit, which shall report to the provincial energy competent department level by level.

Chapter V Operation Scheduling

Article 16 Power grid enterprises shall, in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations and technical specifications, clarify relevant transfer standards and management processes, establish and improve the dispatching mechanism for new energy storage projects to participate in power operation fairly, ensure fair transfer, take systematic measures to optimize dispatching operation, give priority to scientific transfer, and give full play to the role of new energy storage systems. The project industry mainly strengthens the operation and maintenance of the energy storage facility system to ensure the safe and stable operation of the energy storage system.

Article 17 New energy storage projects are mainly market-oriented and optimized in dispatching and operation; New energy storage projects at the power supply side that do not have independent conditions can participate in dispatching as a whole with the power supply; For new energy storage projects that have not participated in the market for the time being, power dispatching agencies should establish a scientific dispatching mechanism to improve the utilization level of projects.

Article 18 The project unit shall monitor the operation status of the new energy storage project, monitor the operation condition of the energy storage system in real time, and organize demonstration, evaluation and rectification in a timely manner when the project reaches the design life or the safe operation status does not meet the relevant technical requirements. If the relevant requirements are still not met after rectification, the project unit shall take measures to decommission the project in time and report to the project filing unit and other relevant units.

Chapter VI Market Transactions

Article 19 New energy storage projects with independent metering, control and other technical conditions, access to the dispatching automation system can be monitored and dispatched by the power grid, and meet the requirements of relevant standards, specifications, power market operating agencies and other relevant aspects. New energy storage projects with legal personality can be converted into independent energy storage and participate in the power market as an independent subject, In principle, the energy storage involved in the wind, wind, water, fire and multi energy complementary integration project will not be converted into independent energy storage temporarily.

Article 20 Encourage energy storage on the power supply side that is connected to the grid within the metering gateway of power generation enterprises, maintain the operation mode as a whole with power generation enterprises, and jointly participate in the power market. Encourage energy storage on the user side of grid connection within the power user metering gateway, maintain the operation mode as a whole with power users, and jointly participate in market transactions.

Article 21 After the grid side and power side new energy storage projects are put into operation, they can provide leasing services to wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects. Encourage new energy enterprises to sign agreements with energy storage enterprises, and the new energy enterprises will pay the storage lease fees. The energy storage enterprises will provide services according to the capacity, and form the lease price through mutual consultation. Encourage the signing of medium and long-term agreements of 3-5 years and more.

Chapter VII Safety Supervision

Article 22 The whole process safety management shall be carried out for new energy storage projects from planning, site selection, design, equipment selection, construction, commissioning, acceptance and operation. The investor bears the main responsibility for safety, integrates the safety management of the energy storage power station into the enterprise safety management system, conscientiously implements the safety production responsibility system, establishes and improves the safety production assurance system and supervision system, emergency disposal mechanism, risk hierarchical control and hidden danger investigation and management mechanism, strictly implements the laws and regulations related to power safety production, and strictly prevents the occurrence of safety production accidents.

Article 23 The construction of new energy storage projects shall adhere to the principle of safety first. The design, manufacturing, installation, inspection and testing of major equipment and systems shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, safety technical specifications, and national (industrial) standards. After the commencement of the project, quality supervision shall be carried out as required. Before the grid connection and commissioning of the project, national quality, environment Relevant procedures shall be completed according to relevant regulations on fire protection, and network related equipment shall meet relevant technical requirements for safe operation of power grid. Cascade utilization of power battery shall comply with relevant national regulations.

Article 24 The units undertaking project design, consultation, construction and supervision shall have the corresponding qualifications specified by the state. Relevant units of the project shall strictly implement the project safety management procedures and safety responsibilities in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and technical specifications.

Article 25 All relevant departments shall strengthen the safety supervision and management of new energy storage power stations, perform their duties according to the division of responsibilities, and carry out supervision, inspection, emergency management and other related work according to relevant regulations; Urge the construction (operation and maintenance) unit to regularly carry out risk level assessment and hidden danger troubleshooting, establish relevant work ledgers, and implement differentiated governance on risk points and hazard sources of different levels to ensure the operation safety of the energy storage power station.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 26 The Measures shall be interpreted by Guizhou Provincial Energy Bureau.

Article 27 The Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation

Article 28 During the implementation period, if the state and province issue new regulations, their provisions shall prevail.

Contributions and news clues: Ms. Chen WeChat/mobile phone: 13693626116 Email: chenchen # bjxmail.com (please change # to @)

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