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Fujian spot market | Fujian Hongshan Power Generation Company's spot transaction income is the first in the province to increase the income by 21.04 million yuan

2021-06-18 09:12 Source: Fujian Hongshan Power Generation Company key word: Electricity spot market Electricity trading Fujian spot market Collection give the thumbs-up


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From Fujian Province Electricity spot market According to the newly released transaction clearing information, as of June 15, Fujian Hongshan Power Generation Co., Ltd. had accumulatively won 194.4 million kilowatt hours of electricity, with the winning electricity accounting for 16.1%, the market share of 135.6%, and the settlement fee of 73.68 million yuan. Compared with the conventional power regulation mode, it has increased 60.52 million kilowatt hours of electricity, with an increase of 21.04 million yuan in revenue. The proportion of winning electricity, market share, and revenue rank first in the province, The spot market transactions have achieved remarkable results.

In the face of the increasingly complex and intense power market, the company thoroughly implements the requirements of the group company of "price first, quantity and price considered", efficiently implements the overall arrangement of the superior company, actively adapts to the changes in the situation, unifies the thinking and understanding, establishes a chess awareness, flexible strategies, and cooperates in the fight. On the one hand, it actively collects market information and increases market research and judgment, Analyze the change of power flow of provincial power grid, predict the load trend of provincial power grid in advance, and make full preparations for various transactions; On the other hand, conscientiously implement various technical measures such as equipment patrol inspection and hidden danger troubleshooting, continue to improve the safety and reliability of equipment, strengthen the ability to deal with emergencies, do a solid job in collecting daily unit operation data, variable costs and other relevant quotation information, standardize the implementation of quotation strategies, timely summarize, analyze and submit the results of double check transactions and check the clearing information, Improve the revenue of spot power market.

In the next step, the company will focus on the construction and adjustment of the spot power market in Fujian Province, continue to do a good job in the spot power market transactions, deeply study the policies and regulations of spot power transactions, actively participate in the collection and feedback of rules and opinions, and seize the opportunity in policy research. At the same time, strengthen internal and external training exchanges, quickly adapt to the new rules of production and operation of power generation enterprises in the context of the spot market, study and formulate countermeasures in line with the company's actual situation, and enhance the company's core competitiveness in the process of power market reform.

Original title: Fujian Hongshan Power Generation Co., Ltd.: Power spot transaction has achieved remarkable results
Contributions and news clues: Ms. Chen WeChat/mobile phone: 13693626116 Email: chenchen # bjxmail.com (please change # to @)

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