Yu Zujun led a team to visit and investigate some secondary colleges - Beijing Jiaotong University News Network
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Time: May 24, 2024 Source: School Office Author: Li Yanyi

Yu Zujun led a team to visit some secondary colleges

From May 20 to May 23, 2024, President Yu Zujun led a team to visit the School of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Physical Science and Engineering, School of Language and Communication, School of Architecture and Arts, and School of Environment. Wang Wenwen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Gao Yan, Guan Zhongliang, Zhao Peng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President, Jing Tao, Vice President, Gao Liang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President, Zhao Lan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department, Yao Nianlong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Director of the School Office, participated in the relevant research.

During the survey, Yu Zujun and his delegation visited the laboratory, teaching and research section, office and other places of the college, and held discussions and exchanges with the leadership members of the college, department directors and representatives of "post-80s" young teachers. He listened carefully to the development report of each college, fully affirmed the achievements of each college in recent years, and put forward targeted opinions and suggestions in combination with the actual situation of each college. He stressed that each college should make full use of its own resource advantages and characteristics, aim at the landmark goal of a new round of "double first-class" construction, and further promote the construction of disciplines and specialties according to the "five in one" first-class discipline construction idea. At the same time, it should combine the construction plan of one school, multiple districts and multiple bases, and scientifically and reasonably plan the layout of disciplines, specialties, teaching and research. All departments and departments and directly affiliated units should actively cooperate and work together to coordinate five types of resources, and do a good job of precise service docking in combination with the characteristics of the college and differentiated needs.

The leaders of each school participating in the survey also put forward targeted opinions and suggestions on promoting the high-quality development of the college in combination with their own work areas.

In the School of Mathematics and Statistics, the School of Physical Science and Engineering, and the School of Language and Communication, Yu Zujun mainly listened to the reports on the construction of disciplines and majors and the construction of public basic courses in a large area, and put forward opinions and suggestions on talent cultivation, internationalization and other work. He stressed that we should focus on the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, make a good overall plan for the two types of teaching facing the college and the whole school, build a solid foundation for the construction of "double first-class" with high-quality undergraduate education, improve the quality of education and teaching of public basic courses in the whole school, and constantly update the education and teaching philosophy, methods and content, and make deep use of artificial intelligence technology to help personnel training, Improve teaching efficiency and quality. In terms of discipline construction, it is necessary to further refine and focus on discipline characteristics, actively expand and deepen cross college and cross disciplinary integration, promote the development of traditional basic disciplines and emerging cross disciplines, improve the cross disciplinary talent training mechanism, and improve the quality of education. In terms of international exchanges, we should actively promote the international development strategy, strive to expand new cooperation and exchange channels, and strive to provide more opportunities for students to go abroad, broaden their horizons, and improve their professional level.

At the School of Architecture and Arts and the School of Environment, Yu Zujun put forward targeted suggestions around scientific research and talent team building. In terms of organized scientific research and serving the country's major strategy, he pointed out that the college should actively aim at the national strategic needs, the future trend of scientific and technological change and the direction of social development, carry out organized scientific research to tackle key problems, encourage and support teachers and students to jointly carry out interdisciplinary research and exploration with other colleges, strengthen the characteristics of scientific research, improve the strength of scientific research, and promote the realization of scientific research to promote education and scientific research to strengthen the school, Make full use of characteristic advantages and interdisciplinary resources to play a competitive "characteristic card" of the college. In terms of talent team, we should actively strengthen the introduction and cultivation of high-level talents, make full use of the Siyuan Postdoctoral Program to attract outstanding doctoral graduates from home and abroad to work in the university, plan the convergence of the development of the school, college and teachers' personal development needs, and achieve the same frequency resonance between the three, and create first-class together.

Principals of the Office, the Ministry of Science and Engineering, the Undergraduate School, the Scientific Research Institute, the Major Affairs Office, the Social Sciences Office, the Graduate School, the Ministry of Research and Engineering, the Personnel Department, the State owned Assets Management Office, the Finance Department, the Planning and Discipline Department, the International Department, the Employment Center, the Xiong'an Campus Construction Office, the Information Center and other units participated in the survey.

Editor in charge: Li Xuegu and Yu Kun

Reviewed by: Yuan Fang, Wang Ruixia

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