The kick-off meeting and implementation scheme demonstration meeting of the national key research and development program "Mohr superlattice multi field physical properties and photon state control" was successfully held - Beijing Jiaotong University News Network
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Time: May 2, 2024 Source: School of Physical Engineering Author: He Dawei

The kick-off meeting and implementation scheme demonstration meeting of the national key research and development program "Mohr superlattice multi field physical properties and photon state control" was successfully held

From April 26 to 27, 2024, the academic seminar on state regulation and 2023 project joint kick-off meeting organized by the South Australia Science Conference was held in South Australia, Shantou, Guangdong. Gong Xingao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Mo Hongshan, director of the High Technology Research and Development Center of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Wang Yulong, a second level researcher from the Basic Research Division of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, attended the meeting.

Gong Xingao, on behalf of the organizer of the conference, the South Australia Science Conference, warmly welcomed the experts and scholars attending the conference and introduced the achievements of Guangyi, a young research university.

In the two-day meeting, project leaders and team scholars carried out an overall report together with the latest research projects in their respective fields. Led by Beijing Jiaotong University and undertaken by Wang Yongsheng, a professor of the School of Physical Science and Engineering, the launching meeting and implementation scheme demonstration meeting of the 2023 national key research and development plan "state control" key special project "multi field physical property and photon state control of Mohr superlattice" were held at the same time.

Wang Yongsheng reported on the project and focused on the implementation plan of the project. Chen Ideals of Xiamen University, Yuan Luqi of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Ren Mengxin of Nankai University and Tao Yaoyu of Peking University introduced the implementation technical route of each subject and the achievements achieved at this stage.

Based on key scientific issues and specific implementation plans, the expert group conducted in-depth discussions with project team members, and gave rich and pertinent suggestions on the implementation and promotion of the project. It is hoped that the project team can base on their respective fields to cooperate in tackling key problems and make major breakthroughs in the direction of original scientific innovation and device application.

The purpose of this meeting is to meet the national strategic needs, promote new technologies and new devices based on new states, promote independent innovation, and provide a platform for exchange and consultation between project teams and field experts for the smooth implementation of the eight special projects approved for state regulation in 2023. Nearly 100 front-line scientists and scholars from Guangdong Israel Institute of Technology, Xiamen University, Fudan University, China University of Science and Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, East China Normal University and other fields attended the conference.

Editor in charge: Li Xue Zeng Jingyu

Reviewed by: Yuan Fang, Wang Ruixia

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