Journalism > Player Puwen > Unmatched Snake 3 goes on sale today. Paid DLC clothes and mounts are launched

Unmatched Snake 3 goes on sale today. Paid DLC clothes and mounts are launched

Published: 18-09-28 16:38 Source: official Author: official

Taiwan Glory Tecomo announced that the PS4/NS tactical action game "Unmatched Snake 3" was officially released today. The first DLC bullet of the game also started to be released at the same time, and is scheduled to be launched regularly in the future   

 "Unmatched Snake 3" is on sale today, and DLC clothes and mounts are available for payment!

Big Snakes 3 goes on sale today, paid DLC starts to launch synchronously

The stage of this work is the world integrated by the series of "The True Three Kingdoms Are Unique" and "The Warring States are Unique", plus the "Divine World" where the new gods live. There are 170 new roles including 5 new roles Is the largest battle in the series. Through the new element "Divine Skill", the unique and refreshing fight of the "peerless" series is more evolved.   

This is different from the previous series. A new world view and story with fantastic elements will be launched in the game. Therefore, both the old players of "Big Snakes without Twin" and the new players who first contact this series can enjoy it.   

Paid DLC will regularly publish clothing, mounts and other downloads in the future. The first bomb available for download this time is the special clothes and mounts of "Kyle Sect" of "Wang Yuanji" and "Ishida Sancheng". Players who have season tickets for "The Big Snakes Without a Pair 3" can obtain the above DLC content for free.

 "Unmatched Snake 3" is on sale today, and DLC clothes and mounts are available for payment!

 "Unmatched Snake 3" is on sale today, and DLC clothes and mounts are available for payment!

 "Unmatched Snake 3" is on sale today, and the paid DLC clothing mounts are launched!

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