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Shanghai Otology Hospital Ranking List Shanghai Hongqiao Hospital Otolaryngology Department

2023-03-28 22:41:53 Shanghai Hongqiao Hospital Otolaryngology Department

Core tip: Shanghai Otology Hospital Ranking List Shanghai Hongqiao Hospital Otolaryngology Department. After suffering from tinnitus, many people did not pay attention at first, thinking it was no big deal. But when he arrived, he caused a lot of damage to his body and mind.

You can learn about a hospital's ranking list through the hospital ranking list published by relevant institutions. Some professional medical evaluation institutions will also publish hospital ranking lists. These ranking lists are usually based on certain evaluation indicators and data, and have certain reference value. Different ranking institutions and evaluation indicators will be different, so the ranking results will be different. In addition, the ranking list of hospitals is not static. With the continuous development of medical technology and the changing medical needs, the ranking list will also be adjusted. Therefore, when choosing a hospital, we need to combine our own conditions and needs, comprehensively consider multiple factors, and choose the most suitable hospital. Next, I would like to recommend some relevant information for you.

Shanghai Otology Hospital Ranking List Shanghai Hongqiao Hospital Otolaryngology Department, after many people suffered from tinnitus, they did not pay attention at first, thinking it was no big deal. But when he arrived, he caused a lot of damage to his body and mind. This is mainly because the patient is not clear about the hazards of tinnitus. So the otolaryngologist of Shanghai Hongqiao Hospital will tell you what the harm of tinnitus is.

The harm of tinnitus

1. Tinnitus with high pitch and strong stubbornness: at the beginning, it is an intermittent shrill sound, sometimes the unilateral ear attacks first, and gradually develops into a continuous noise in both ears. Many patients also have cranial ringing, which is brain buzzing.

2. Inattention of hearing: some early deafness patients are just beginning to realize that their hearing is biased in focusing attention.

3. The voice suddenly becomes louder: some people can obviously feel that the voice they hear is not loud enough, so they often put their hands behind their ears to increase the reception volume. When watching TV or listening to the radio, people often ask to increase the volume, which makes the family feel terrible.

4. Tinnitus plus vertigo: Tinnitus and vertigo are often signals of deafness. When dizziness, tinnitus or tinnitus obviously worsen, you should consider seeing a doctor in time to check your hearing.

5. Often ask the other party to repeat the words just said: when two people talk face to face, early deafness patients often interrupt or ask the other party to repeat. When you make a call, you often ask the other party to raise the volume. And whenever they speak, they often increase their voice unconsciously.

In the treatment of ear diseases, sound, frequency, heat, electricity, magnetism, micro massage and other natural physical factors are simultaneously superimposed on the diseased part like the back sprint of track and field, directly reaching the inner ear lesions, so as to promote drug penetration and improve the auditory system. If you still want to know more information, you can click online consultation, or call the toll free consultation telephone, and you will get a professional reply.

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TAG: Ranking List Department of Otolaryngology, Shanghai Hongqiao Hospital
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