Current location: Home of car owners > Car dealer newsletter > Shanghai > New car arrives at the store >The validity period of Shanghai license plate is extended, the validity period of Shanghai big license plate is extended, and the validity period of Shanghai license line is queried
The validity period of Shanghai license plate is extended, the validity period of Shanghai big license plate is extended, and the validity period of Shanghai license line is queried

Shanghai license plate shuffle is postponed, the validity period of Shanghai major license plate is extended, the validity period of Shanghai license plate limit is queried, and what about the extension of Shanghai license plate limit? How to query the validity period of Shanghai licensing? How long is the validity period of Shanghai card limit certificate? How long is the Shanghai withdrawal form valid?

1、 There are two types of Shanghai card limit certificates:

       a. Shanghai Non business Bus Quota Certificate (quota in new auction)

       b. Certificate for completion of motor vehicle quota business (returned from old vehicles)

2、 Query of validity period of Shanghai license line:

According to the relevant regulations of the municipal government, the validity period of the above two Shanghai card limit certificates is one year.

The validity date is indicated on the certificate of Shanghai card quota in the new auction.

For the amount of Shanghai license plate withdrawn from old cars, the validity period of Shanghai license plate is one year from the business settlement time on the Shanghai license plate withdrawal form. For example, the business settlement time is November 12, 2023, and the validity period expires on November 12, 2024.

Please log in the website of the Traffic Committee for the specific availability of the quota Query.

Or log in directly


The Shanghai card quota can be used within one year of validity, and can be auctioned within two years of expiration. If it exceeds two years, it will be automatically invalidated. If your Shanghai license line is about to expire and you have no intention of buying a car, and you want to keep your Shanghai license line, you can ask us to extend your Shanghai license line.

3、 Materials required for Shanghai license line extension:

The original of Shanghai license limit sheet or Shanghai license refund sheet, the original of the owner's ID card, and the owner himself. Because face recognition is required for ownership transfer now, if the owner is not present, WeChat can also open video recognition.

4、 Specific procedures for extension of Shanghai license line:

Put your Shanghai license limit on our company's car first, wait for the relevant information of the newly selected Shanghai license number to be found in 5 to 7 working days, and then return your Shanghai license. There is a Shanghai license withdrawal form for you, so that your Shanghai license limit will have another one-year validity.

Note: Many customers worry that the quota will be added to our car. What should we do if there is a problem when driving out. You can rest assured that all the cars we have specially extended for customers with Shanghai license plates are very old, and they don't drive on the road. Physical store operation, signing agreement, making payment, safe and secure!

If you want to know more about the Shanghai quota, you can add me WeChat or call me.

Contact: Xiao Zhang

Mobile/WeChat: 13817600265

Merchant name: Shanghai Zhenjia Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd

Consulting telephone: thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million six hundred thousand two hundred and sixty-five

Store address: Room 251, Floor 2, Shanghai Automobile Market Certificate Hall, No. 4777, Hunan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai [View Map]

The dealer is responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and legality of the information released by the dealer. The owner's home does not provide any guarantee nor bear any legal responsibility.
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