Current location: Home of car owners > Automotive News > Domestic new car >Leading the middle class to create a new era of fuel consumption, QinL DM-i delivered the car by 10000 people and launched the mass test of thousand media
Leading the middle class to create a new era of fuel consumption, QinL DM-i delivered cars to 10000 people and launched thousands of media mass tests
14:19, June 7, 2024 Source: Owner's Home Edit: Liu Zhixia Reporting/error correction Mobile reading

On June 6, 2024, Qin L The opening ceremony of DM-i 10000 people car delivery and 1000 media mass testing was held in Shenzhen, BYD's headquarters. Many car owners' representatives came to the scene and linked with thousands of BYD 4S stores across the country DM-i national delivery pushed to a new climax. The event not only proved BYD's strong production capacity and delivery capacity, but also demonstrated BYD's commitment to Qin L The confidence of DM-i in fuel consumption and endurance.

        Mass production and delivery upon release

QinL DM-i, the first mid-level sedan of the fifth generation DM technology, was launched on May 28, with a price of 99800 yuan to 139800 yuan. After listing, Qin L DM-i gained the attention of the whole network, and was listed on the hot search list of several mainstream platforms, becoming a new "top stream" in the circle of cars. At the same time, since its listing, Qin L The nationwide delivery of DM-i has been in hot progress. Wang Chuanfu, president of BYD, and Lu Tian, general manager of BYD Dynasty. com, went all the way to the north and south of the country to deliver the car for the owner, demonstrating their full sincerity to users. "Users are always the C bit" is not just a slogan for the BYD Dynasty.

Qin L DM-i is hot when it comes to the market, and has become the choice for many family users to upgrade the quality of their cars, as well as the super value choice for young people to purchase cars in one step. In the face of the endless orders, BYD "has food in hand, but does not panic". At the beginning of the launch, BYD has prepared enough car resources, and the rear has also worked overtime to open up sufficient capacity, so as to ensure that users can pick up the car in time when it comes to the market. At present, Qin L DM-i new cars have successively arrived at 4S stores across the country, and many consumers have come to the stores to experience and test drive, setting off a boom in QinL DM-i's car viewing and test drive.

        Five leaders reshape the benchmark, and the product force against the sky makes the car industry top class

Technology is the first productive force, and BYD Qin L DM-i's hot sales can not be separated from the leading technology and product strength. As the first intermediate car of the fifth generation DM technology, BYD Qin L Relying on five advantages of fuel saving, endurance, platform, design, and product intelligence, DM-i will kill joint venture fuel in the middle class car market, reshape the value benchmark, and lead the new trend of middle class cars.

In terms of fuel saving and endurance, Qin L DM-i has achieved fault type leadership. In terms of fuel saving, thanks to the highest thermal efficiency of 46.06% of the engine of the fifth generation DM technology platform, optimization of engine control strategy, improvement of the efficiency of the EHS electric hybrid system, improvement of the energy density of the seven in one regional control, and low energy consumption design, Qin L DM-i 100 km NEDC power loss fuel consumption reached an epoch-making 2.9L, making "large and fuel saving" a new trend for mid class cars.

In terms of endurance, Qin L DM-i The 2100km full fuel and full power comprehensive endurance is the world leader. The fuel and power connection completely ends the user's mileage anxiety, and brings short distance convenience and long distance leisurely driving experience. A half tank of oil is enough for users' daily commuting. Every holiday, they are eager to return home, or they drive far away on small and long vacations. One tank of oil can reach "Poetry and Far Away", without wasting precious travel time for refueling.

In addition, Qin L DM-i is also fully ahead of its peers in terms of platform, design and product intelligence. It was born on the new generation plug-in hybrid vehicle platform of BYD. Through the "tailor-made" plug-in hybrid platform, Qin L DM-i has achieved an ultra-low drag coefficient of 0.26Cd, a flat floor in the rear row, and a smooth handling and mute effect close to that of a pure tram. In terms of design, Qin L DM-i adopts the new Guochao Longyan aesthetic design, inherits the beautiful Longyan, perfectly integrates Guochao culture with future technology, reflects full cultural self-confidence, and is praised as the "most beautiful mid-level car" by netizens. In terms of product intelligence, Qin L DM-i The 1900mm benchmark vehicle width and split seat bring comfortable riding experience. Equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit and DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, it fully meets the higher requirements of intermediate vehicle users for driving experience, making travel more convenient, comfortable and safe.

        The industrial miracle is waiting for you to test

Real gold is not afraid of fire. Good products are not afraid of test. Before and after the launch of Qin L DM-i, after many rounds of measurement, the measured data of fuel consumption and endurance are even more "adverse".

In the actual measurement of fuel consumption by the media, the actual measurement results are all lower than the official data of 2.9L. The test media calls Qin L directly DM-i has created an industrial miracle. Lu Tian, the general manager of BYD Dynasty. com, personally conducted "BOSS direct measurement", and the measured fuel consumption of power loss per hundred kilometers was as low as 2.43L. In terms of endurance, three media routes were tested at the same time, and the whole air conditioning process was 24 degrees. The route from Xi'an to Hami, from low altitude to high altitude, went all the way over the Qinling Mountains and other mountains. The middle of the route experienced continuous steep ascents, with the maximum altitude difference of 2100 meters, which can be described as "hell difficulty". The final measured results of all vehicles exceeded the official announcement of 2100 kilometers, Once again, BYD's "reverse virtual label" was firmly established.

This QinL DM-i "1000 Media Mass Test" activity aims to let more multimedia experience QinL personally through large-scale fuel consumption test and endurance test The excellent product strength of DM-i tells users with real voice how easy QinL is to drive, save fuel and run!

In addition, in the near future, Qin L will also launch the "National Public Test of Industrial Miracle Qin L" activity on Tiaoyin, inviting users to share relevant videos of Qin L, such as clocking in stores, test drive experience, car collection experience, fuel consumption measurement, and so on, to jointly witness the style of "Industrial Miracle".

As new energy vehicles become the trend, Chinese brands are rising from technology, products and other aspects. As the first intermediate car of the fifth generation DM technology, Qin L, the latest capable person of BYD Qin family DM-i is a hot seller when it comes to market. Together with the powerful A-class sedan Qin PLUS equipped with the fourth generation DM technology, the two cars are in the same place. With the ultimate product power and price, it will kill the joint venture fuel and create a new era of China's automobile industry!


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