Current location: Home of car owners > Automotive News > Domestic new car >Haobo GT global model was officially launched at a price of 2039-2099
Haobo GT global model was officially launched at a price of 2039-2099
11:04, June 7, 2024 Source: Owner's Home Edit: Liu Zhixia Reporting/error correction Mobile reading

Recently, the global model of Haobo GT was officially launched, with a total of three models, with a price range of 2039-2099 thousand.

Haobo GT global price guidance
Model Selling price (10000 yuan)
710 UHV Smart Drive twenty point three nine
710 UHV lidar version twenty-one point nine nine
710 UHV Advanced Smart Drive 3L twenty-five point nine nine

Appearance, The new car continues the appearance of the current model. The enclosed grille is equipped with a long and narrow lamp set, and the roof is also equipped with a laser radar. In addition, it is equipped with an electric opening vent, which can be opened at low speed for heat dissipation, and closed at high speed to reduce wind resistance. It can also be equipped with an electric suction door. In terms of body dimensions, the length, width and height of the new car are 4886 * 1885 (1917) * 1449mm, and the wheelbase is 2920mm.

In terms of interior decoration, the new car uses a 14.6-inch central control screen with an 8.8 inch LCD instrument to support CarPlay. The seats will be upgraded to standard leather seats, and the voice interaction system will also be upgraded. The new car also provides automatic parking, remote parking, automatic lane change assistance and other configurations, and the top configuration also adds night vision system. The top configuration will also be equipped with 3 laser radars, 6 millimeter wave radars and 13 cameras.

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with an 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform. The maximum power of the single motor equipped is 250kW, and the peak torque is 430N · m. The new CLTC has a endurance of 710km.


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