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Only 120000 yuan for Qijun after discount? Is the minimum configuration sufficient?
17:14, April 10, 2024 Source: Owner's Home Edit: Cui Zesheng Reporting/error correction Mobile reading

Qijun, with a guide price of 179900 to 262900 yuan, can buy a bare car at a discount of more than 120000 yuan? Is it cheap enough? We came to the store to learn about the situation. At present, it is really available, and the minimum configuration is enough. So, does it smell good to buy a Qijun for 140000 yuan?

Return to the top again! Trumpchi ES9 is positioned at medium and large SUVs, so it naturally has a size that conforms to the positioning. The length of 5015mm has exceeded the mainstream in the market, which will bring good interior space. The no-load ground clearance also increases some vitality and is obviously different from the ordinary version, like the bright decorative parts of the steering light at the wheel arch.

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