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Sports loving entry-level family sedan venue test drive Kaiyi Xuandu
16:31, October 19, 2021 Source: Owner's Home Edit: Sheng Shaoguang Print Mobile reading

Kaiyi Xuandu has just announced the launch of six models, with a price range of 67800 to 93900 yuan. The price of all models within 100000 yuan is very friendly. Just before the launch, I test drove this new car and found that such an entry-level sedan has a persistent pursuit of sports.

        The appearance is regular, but the pursuit of sports is obvious

Kaiyi Xuandu grille adopts the now popular color contrast design, and combines some sports elements in the traditional colors.

A sharp waistline on the side of the car body makes the whole car more energetic, and the red brake caliper is a declaration of the pursuit of sports for this sedan.

The design of the rear of the car is the same. Under the two long and narrow tail lights, the design of double exhaust pipes is very difficult in the entrance sedan.

Xuandu's logic is very clear. This car is essentially a sedan car, so the modeling and color matching are still relatively traditional, but he is unwilling to be bland, so he added some sports elements to the traditional modeling, declaring that he is different from the ordinary kitchen sedan cars.

        Field driving shows sports characteristics

This test drive only had the venue, not the actual road experience, so the evaluation of this car was not comprehensive. However, one or two sedans like to test drive on the site. Obviously, Kaiyi Xuandu is confident in his own control.

First, we will introduce the power specifications. The engine carried by Kaiyi is from Chery's Kunpeng 1.5T power, and the data output is very impressive. The maximum power is 115kw, and the peak torque is 230Nm.

The hardware foundation of the chassis is also very strong. The specification is the front McPherson and the rear multi link. This hardware foundation is basically the highest power of this level, and all the systems of the Kay wing Xuandu are this power system.

The test drive was just in time for the typhoon "Compass", so the site was very slippery, which was equivalent to another test. Kaiyi Xuandu is very obedient and has a sense of communication when turning.

When dealing with the emergency line change, the body attitude control is also in place, and a lot of roll will not occur. In this level of sedan, it is really a very reassuring car.

Moreover, the chassis of this car is also very surprising. There are some speed bumps on the site. The motion of running over is very fast, and the motion of the chassis is simple enough.

        The job of the sedan chair is well done

When you sit in Kaiyi Xuandu, you will first find that the overall sports atmosphere of this car has been created with great care.

The interior is made of a large number of high-quality materials, and the central control area inclines to the driver's side to create an immersive cockpit centered on the driver. In addition, the red and black color matching and the integrated cockpit are really outstanding in the family sedan.

Kaiyi Xuandu has a body size of 4666 * 1825 * 1483mm and a wheelbase of 2700mm. I took a test drive to the rear of this car. The overall spatial performance does not need to be worried.

In addition, Xuandu also has a very honest trunk. Its volume may be similar to that of its rivals, but it is the only trunk I have seen that uses hydraulic struts, which can achieve what you see is what you get. When you drive the car home, your parents will feel a sense of achievement when they stuff things in, because you can close the trunk as long as he can, Few rivals can do this.

As the first A-class sports sedan of Keywing Auto, this car obviously wants to pursue something different. Therefore, in general, under the condition of similar functions, the cars like Yidong and Emgrand are more focused on the pleasure of driving and the sportiness of the interior. Moreover, the price of this car is only 67800 yuan, and the whole series is equipped with 1.5T power. If an entry-level car buyer also has certain requirements for power and handling, this Kaiyi Xuandu is very worthy of being included in your car selection list.

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