Current location: Home of car owners > Driving skills > safe driving >The woman forgot to pull the handbrake when parking, and was run over by her own car and killed!
The woman forgot to pull the handbrake when parking, and was run over by her own car and killed!
07:00, January 5, 2019 Source: Owner's Home Edit: Lu Weijia Print Mobile reading

There are often painful accidents caused by forgetting to pull the handbrake when parking. Even old drivers forget to pull the handbrake time There are many drivers who would rather press the brake hard and wait for a few minutes than shift to neutral and pull the hand brake when waiting for a red light. In fact, there is a certain potential safety hazard because your foot may unknowingly release the brake pedal when waiting for a red light. What is more dangerous is that you forget to pull the hand brake when parking on a slope, the vehicle is not in neutral and the hand brake is not pulled.

A group of motion pictures feel the harm of parking without the handbrake:

Luxury car chapter: Bentley's female driver forgot to park her car when she stopped, and then got off to get her card. As a result, millions of luxury cars were attracted to the thick wall.

The female driver of Nissan Loulan didn't park her car, so she got off the bus and slid backward, connecting millions of Rolls Royce Gust.

It seems that I want to pull the vehicle, which is really a natural "foot brake".


The white SUV rushed down when the Mercedes Benz shook its head.



Fortunately, "Camry dodged in time" and did not cause physical damage.


The last female driver in this article forgot to park when parking and did not engage neutral gear. When getting off the bus, the vehicle slipped. At this time, the female driver wanted to get on the bus to brake the parking car, but was crushed by her own car and killed.

        Today, many new cars are equipped with automatic parking, which will not only facilitate the driver, but also reduce the above accidents. However, it is not believed that the electronic hand brake can not be pulled after the automatic parking function is turned on, and it is still necessary to pull the electronic hand brake when parking for a long time.

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