Current location: Home of car owners > Automotive News > Domestic new car >BAIC BJEV EH300 was launched in the first half of the year or has a 300km endurance
BAIC BJEV EH300 was launched in the first half of the year or has a 300km endurance
15:41, February 27, 2017 Source: Pacific Automobile Network Edit: Lin Yuecheng Print Mobile reading
[Introduction] BAIC BJEV EH300 will be officially launched in the first half of this year, and the new car may become the entry model of EH series, with a range of 300km. The new EH400 with stronger endurance will also be officially launched within the year.

Recently, domestic media reported that BAIC BJEV EH300 will be officially launched in the first half of this year, and the new car may become the entry model of EH series, with a range of 300km. The new EH400 with stronger endurance will also be officially launched within the year.

In terms of appearance, the new car adopts a new straight waterfall air intake grille. In addition, the appearance and interior design of the new car are basically the same as the EH400 released at the 2016 Beijing Auto Show.

At the 2016 Beijing Auto Show, BAIC BJEV released the pure electric vehicle EH400. The new car is based on the Saab D80. The pure electric range can reach 400km. The driving mode can be switched between D/S gear. The energy recovery intensity can also be adjusted according to the driving style and range needs.

It is speculated that the battery life of BAIC BJEV EH300 pure electric vehicle will be reduced, or 300km, compared with the EH400 model with 400km battery life.

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