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Xi Jinping stressed at the plenary meeting of the PLA delegation: firmly grasp the Party's goal of building a strong military in the new situation, and strive to build a people's army with a fine style of fighting and winning under the command of the Party

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Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee, stressed at the plenary meeting of the PLA delegation at the first session of the 12th National People's Congress on March 11 that the whole army should thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and take Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", and the Scientific Outlook on Development as guidance, We should firmly grasp the Party's goal of building a strong military in the new situation, comprehensively strengthen the revolutionary, modern and standardized construction of the military, and strive to build a people's army that obeys the Party's command, can fight and win, and has a fine style of work.

The PLA delegation had a warm atmosphere and spoke enthusiastically. Mou Mingbin, Wang Huayong, Liu Lei, Xu Linping, Li Fengbiao, Cui Yuling, Ling Feng, and Zhang Shuguo, eight representatives, actively offered advice and suggestions on issues related to national defense and military building.

Xi Jinping listened carefully to the speeches of the delegates and delivered important speeches. He pointed out that building a people's army that obeys the Party's command, can fight and win wars, and has a fine style of work is the goal of the Party to strengthen the military under the new situation. Listening to the Party's command is the soul and determines the political direction of military construction; Being able to fight and win is the core, which reflects the fundamental function of the military and the fundamental direction of military construction; The fine style of work is the guarantee and relates to the nature, purpose and nature of the army. The whole military should accurately grasp the goal of building a strong military, so as to guide the military construction, reform and military struggle preparation, and strive to raise national defense and military construction to a new level. We should firmly follow the Party's command, the soul of a strong military, adhere to the fundamental principle of the Party's absolute leadership over the military and the fundamental purpose of the people's army, ensure that the army is absolutely loyal, pure and reliable, and obey the command of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission in all actions. We should focus on the importance of being able to fight and win, strengthen the thinking of officers and men when fighting, leading and training, firmly establish the only fundamental standard of combat effectiveness, and carry out construction and preparation in accordance with the requirements of fighting, so as to ensure that the troops can fight and win when called. The fine style of work is the distinctive feature and political advantage of our army. We need to deepen the work of improving work style, implement it in every link of the military construction and management, really work hard on realism, pragmatism and implementation, consolidate the foundation of running the military according to law and strictly, and maintain the good image of the people's army formed for a long time.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to coordinate economic construction and national defense construction, and strive to achieve the unity of a rich country and a strong military. We will further promote the development of civil military integration, adhere to demand driven, state led, and strive to form a development pattern of deep civil military integration in infrastructure and important areas. We should carry forward the spirit of hard work, practice hard work and thrift, oppose extravagance and waste, manage and use military expenditure well, and maximize the effectiveness of national defense investment. We should carry forward the glorious tradition of supporting the government, loving the people, supporting the military and giving preferential treatment to their families, and carry out activities to jointly build and create harmony between the military and the people. Local Party committees and governments at all levels should care about and support national defense and military building, strengthen national defense education, strengthen the national defense concept of the whole people, and make caring for national defense, loving national defense, building national defense, and defending national defense become the ideological consensus and conscious action of the whole society.

Fan Changlong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, presided over the meeting. Xu Qiliang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, and members of the Central Military Commission attended the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, the leadership of the Xi Jinping Military Commission for Equality received some military NPC deputies from the grass-roots level and had a cordial conversation with them.

Published at 05:22, March 12, 2013 Source: People's Daily Editor: Liu Yandong Print

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