[Overseas Chinese look] China Cuba resumes direct flights, and Cuban Ambassador to China Bai Shide welcomes Chinese tourists with fluent Chinese

Source: China Daily
2024-05-18 10:51 
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China Daily Online, May 18 (Reporter Pan Yiqiao) On May 4, Cuba announced the visa free policy for Chinese citizens. Juan Carlos Garcia, the Minister of Tourism of Cuba, announced at the closing ceremony of the 2024 Cuban Tourism Festival that direct flights between China and Cuba would resume on May 17.

On May 17, the Cuban Embassy in China held a press conference to celebrate the resumption of direct flights between China and Cuba. Air China has opened a new route from Beijing to Madrid to Havana, two flights a week. According to Bai Shide, Cuban ambassador to China, this is also one of the contents of the "Belt and Road" initiative between the two countries. He believed that the direct flights between China and Cuba could not only expand the ties between China and Cuba, but also help China to strengthen ties and connectivity with Latin America, especially the Caribbean, and lay the foundation for the development of the multi destination model in the region.

The special advantage of this direct flight is that passengers do not need to apply for a Spanish transit visa during their stay in Madrid, which makes the journey of Chinese tourists more comfortable and easy.

After the press conference, Ambassador Bai Shide said in an exclusive interview with China Daily that Cuba is a unique tourist destination with rich historical and cultural heritage. Cuba's rum, cigars and coffee are also popular with Chinese tourists. Cuba has specially customized tourism products and projects for Chinese tourists, and I believe that it will leave unforgettable memories for Chinese tourists.

Ambassador Beside said that China Cuba friendship has a long history, Cuba and China both adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party, and the Cuban people have very special feelings for the Chinese people. China will become the guest of honor of the 2025 Cuba Tourism Festival, which he believes will make an important contribution to strengthening tourism and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

(Editor: Chen Danni, Wu Yanpeng)

[Editor in charge: Pan Yiqiao]

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