All circles in Russia and overseas Chinese discuss the outcome of the Sino Russian summit

China news agency, Moscow, May 18 (Reporter Tian Bing) Russian President Putin paid a state visit to China from May 16 to 17. The heads of state of China and Russia held candid, friendly and informative meetings, jointly signed and issued a joint statement, witnessed the signing of more than 10 important cooperation documents between the two sides, and jointly attended the opening ceremony of the "China Russia Cultural Year" and the special concert to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Putin also went to Harbin to attend the 8th China Russia Expo. The meeting between the heads of state of China and Russia triggered a warm response from people from all walks of life in Russia and overseas Chinese in Russia.
Highlight the importance of China Russia relations
Bashrov, a professor at the Russian Higher Economic University, said that Putin's visit to China after taking office as the new Russian president showed the importance of bilateral relations. The Russian delegation includes several vice premiers, ministers and governors, as well as representatives of railway, energy and other companies and enterprises, which shows that Russia attaches great importance to this visit. He pointed out that the two sides signed new cooperation agreements, including topics such as accelerating the pace of cooperation in science and technology, IT, agriculture and other fields, which will further promote the development of bilateral relations.
Tafrovski, the Russian chairman of the Expert Council of the China Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Commission and a professor of the Russian People's Friendship University, said that it was very important for the leaders of the two countries to be frank with each other and reach agreement on cooperation in various fields during Putin's visit to China.
Wu Hao, secretary-general and executive vice president of the Russian Federation of Overseas Chinese, said that Putin's visit fully reflected the high level of mutual trust and close interaction between the two heads of state, and clearly demonstrated the priorities of Russia's foreign policy. The Russian people are also full of expectations for Putin's visit.
Wider and deeper economic and trade cooperation
The press secretary of the Russian President Peskov said that the trade volume between Russia and China shows the complementarity of the two economies, "which is very important to us and also to China." He said that many regions of Russia participated in the Russia China Expo held in Harbin, which is an important part of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Its cooperation is very rich in content and broad in fields. The Expo is of great significance for regional cooperation and the development of the Russian Far East and the regions bordering China and Russia.
Mankovich, chairman of the Russia Asia Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alliance, said that the 8th Russia China Expo will promote the growth of Russia China trade volume, increase the proportion of high value-added products, and improve the role of SMEs in bilateral trade. He stressed that the Expo plays an important role in bilateral trade, and Russian enterprises will have the opportunity to directly display their goods to Chinese manufacturers and consumers, and negotiate and sign contracts during the Expo. Secondly, the Expo will help improve the popularity and popularity of Russian goods in China.
Nikishina, general manager of the Russian Export Center, said that in the context of the continuous strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries, in view of the importance of the Chinese market and the unprecedented growth in the supply of Russian agricultural and industrial complex products to China, the Center will vigorously expand the Chinese market. According to his introduction, in 2017, the center launched the "Made in Russia" project to promote the "going global" of domestic brands. This year's first "Russian Food Culture Festival (Made in Russia)" was held in Shenyang and Dalian, with 150 Russian enterprises participating in the event. During this period, Chinese people bought Russian goods worth more than 240 million rubles.
Theme year activities are in full swing
Lomanov, director of the Asia Pacific Research Center of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that Russia China theme year activities have become a very good tradition of the two countries. Since 2006, China and Russia have successfully held a series of theme year activities, including the National Year, the Language Year, the Tourism Year, the Youth Friendly Exchange Year, the Media Exchange Year, the Local Cooperation Exchange Year, the Science and Technology Innovation Year, the Sports Exchange Year, and today's "Culture Year". These are very attractive topics. He believed that these topics were chosen to focus the attention of all walks of life in the two countries, take a certain field as a priority, and promote it to the greatest extent in both countries. Lomanov said that for a long time, Russian and Chinese cultures have had a great impact on each other.
Yuan Yi, director of the Moscow Deheheng Law Firm, said that the joint statement referred to bilateral legal cooperation many times. The two sides plan to improve the legal judgment recognition and enforcement mechanism stipulated in the Sino Russian judicial assistance treaty signed on June 19, 1992. The agreement between the Chinese and Russian governments on the promotion and mutual protection of investment should be upgraded as soon as possible. We will strengthen experience exchange and practice sharing in the protection and application of intellectual property rights, and give full play to the important role of intellectual property rights in promoting scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development. We should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of competition policy, including cooperation in law enforcement and protection of competition rules in commodity markets (including digital commodity markets), so as to create favorable conditions for bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Yuan Yi said that the all-round cooperation and development between China and Russia in economy, trade, investment, science and technology, education, etc. need the protection of the laws of the two countries. He hoped that after the "China Russia Cultural Year", the "China Russia Legal Exchange Year" could be held in the future.
Niu Huawei, head of Russian media and online Chinese class, said that the joint statement proposed to continue to deepen education cooperation. As a worker engaged in language and cultural exchanges in Russia, I deeply feel the enthusiasm of Russians for learning Chinese. The organization has provided more than 500 Chinese language teachers to strengthen their teaching staff for more than 500 students learning Chinese in Moscow 548 School, and jointly held cultural experience activities such as celebrating the International Chinese Day, which is loved by teachers and students. He said that Chinese+vocational education and digital Chinese education are becoming more and more popular in Russia. He will seize the opportunity to vigorously promote the sustainable development of online Chinese education in Russia. (End)