"China will continue to play a key role in Asian economic growth"

Our reporter Fan Fan
According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics recently, China's GDP in the first quarter of this year increased by 5.3% year-on-year at constant prices, 1.6% month on month compared with the fourth quarter of last year. Park Zhishui, chief economist of the Asian Development Bank, said in an interview with our reporter recently: "China is the largest trading partner of many Asian countries. The ADB estimates that China will contribute 46% of the economic growth of developing Asian countries this year and next, and China will continue to play a key role in the economic growth of Asia."
Park Zhishui said that the ADB's analysis of global and Asian industrial chains and value chains shows that China is deeply involved in global industrial chains and value chains, and plays an increasingly prominent role in regional industrial chains and value chains. In particular, considering the growing competitiveness of Chinese manufacturers in many industrial fields and their leading position in the rapidly growing fields such as renewable energy and electric vehicles, China, as an investor, has promoted the development of other countries.
At present, the international environment has undergone profound changes, and the world economic development is facing many serious challenges. Park Zhishui believes that China will accelerate the development of new quality productivity and provide new impetus for the global economy with innovative development. For example, China has made great progress in green development, especially in expanding the scale of renewable energy investment, accelerating the popularization of electric vehicles, and establishing the emission trading system. China produces solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles very efficiently, which supports the global green transformation.
Park Zhishui said that China has a huge market, a complete industrial system and sound investment and trade laws, making it an attractive destination for foreign investment. He spoke positively of the visa exemption policy between China and Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. He believed that the increase in the number of Chinese tourists visiting other Asian countries was conducive to the economic development of these countries. More personnel exchanges would also help promote regional trade and investment, enhance mutual understanding, and thus contribute to regional peace and stability.
(From Manila)
People's Daily (May 18, 2024, Edition 03)