Talking about New Opportunities for China's Economy | Exclusive Interview: Looking forward to China's new energy technology helping Syria's power reconstruction -- Interview with Syrian Minister of Electricity Zamyl

Xinhua News Agency, Damascus, May 17 Exclusive interview: looking forward to China's new energy technology helping Syria's power reconstruction
Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Zecheng Shuaipeng
"China has accumulated rich experience in the field of new energy and is at the leading level in the world. It is expected that China's new energy technology will play a greater role in the reconstruction of Syria's power facilities." Syria's electricity minister, Garsan Zamal, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters in the capital Damascus a few days ago.
On December 8, 2021, workers repaired high-voltage power lines in the southern Syrian province of Deraa. Photographed by Amar Safarjarrani, Xinhua News Agency
Zamyl said that in the fields of renewable energy power generation and new energy vehicles, Chinese enterprises are world leaders in both technology and manufacturing. He expected more Chinese new energy technologies to help the country cope with the current serious power and energy crisis.
Zamyl said that the power and energy sectors of Syria were blocked by the West, and the power supply time was severely reduced. At present, people in some areas can only get about two hours of power supply every day. As an important pillar of modern economy and society, the tension of power supply has seriously affected the reconstruction and humanitarian work in Syria.
According to Zamyl, the Ministry of Electricity of Syria is working hard to promote the new energy power generation strategy, proposing to introduce 2500 MW solar energy and 1500 MW wind energy power generation projects by 2030. At present, 100 MW solar energy grid connected power generation has been realized.
At present, the world economy, including the Middle East, faces multiple challenges. Zamyl said that the steady and healthy development of China's economy, especially the surging momentum in the field of new energy, will inject more vitality into the world economy and help countries and regions affected by conflict recover their economies at an early date. He looked forward to the tenth ministerial meeting of the China Arab Cooperation Forum to be held in Beijing at the end of this month, which could create more conditions for Arab countries and China to deepen cooperation in new energy and other fields and better benefit the people.
Zamyl, who has visited China twice and visited many Chinese new energy enterprises on the spot, believes that Chinese new energy enterprises and their products are widely accepted in the international market. The relevant departments in Syria will facilitate the investment of Chinese enterprises. "We hope to see Chinese new energy enterprises participate in Syria's reconstruction and help Syria recover its infrastructure, whether in power or other sectors."