Hot TV Drama Brings Fire to Xinjiang Altay Tourism

China news agency, Beijing, May 17 (Zhang Wenhui) - The phenomenon of "one play brings fire to one city" is frequent. Recently, after the film and television play My Altay, adapted from Li Juan's prose, was broadcast, the scene of the play was taken in Burqin County and Habahe County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang, attracting tourists from many places in China to clock in.
According to Meituan platform data, since May 7, Altay's bookings for cultural tourism in July (including tickets, accommodation, transportation, etc.) have increased by more than 210% year on year; According to the data provided by China Southern Airlines on May 16, the number of bookings on the Urumqi Altay route will increase significantly month on month in the coming month. Among them, the number of travel bookings increased by more than 50% month on month.
Wei Chenggen, director of the Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau of Habahe County, revealed that tourists from all over the country had come to Habahe County to look for the scenery in the play before the play was finished. Statistics show that since May 7, Burqin County has received 445500 tourists, an increase of 68.04% year on year, and the comprehensive tourism income is 402 million yuan, an increase of 64.15% year on year.
Altay is a popular tourist destination in Xinjiang. It is located in the northernmost part of Xinjiang, connected with Kazakhstan and Russia in the northwest, and Mongolia in the northeast. Altay is known as "the origin of human skiing", "the skiing capital of China", "the snow capital of China", "the leisure and summer capital of China", and "the observation point of summer tourism city".
In 2023, Altay will receive 31.5051 million tourists in the whole year, an increase of 74.84% year on year; The tourism revenue reached 27.453 billion yuan, up 80.67% year on year.
Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Research Institute, said in an interview with the China News Service that Altay needs to do a good job in three aspects in order to really retain this flow.
In terms of solving local transportation and other infrastructure problems, Dai Bin pointed out that the long distance is one of the most important factors that restrict tourists to visit, especially for border cities like Altay. In order for tourists to visit smoothly, we should not only open more charter flights and travel packages, but also improve the supporting and service system for self driving tours.
Strengthen the construction of local commercial reception facilities, including hotels, home stays, and catering places. Dai Bin believes that to give tourists a better travel experience, they should not only enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, but also enjoy a better life. We should cultivate local tourism market players, increase investment in tourism, and improve public services.
Dai Bin also pointed out that the local government should take advantage of the momentum, increase tourism promotion efforts, and strengthen contacts with travel agencies and OTAs. Develop corresponding tourism routes, improve the coordination between local public service system and government and social forces, and enhance the broad social consensus on tourism. (End)