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Characteristic industries enable rural areas in Shanxi to draw a new picture of rural revitalization

China News Network Changzhi, April 26, title: Characteristic industries enable rural areas in Shanxi to draw a new picture of rural revitalization

Author: Wu Qiong

"I have worked in the cooperative for two or three years, and I can earn more than 20000 yuan every year. In addition to managing land in the cooperative, I can also do odd jobs at home." Zhang Heping, a villager in Nanliu Village, Xinanquan Town, Lucheng District, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, is looking after rape fields.

In the spring sunshine, in Nanliu Village, in addition to the peach blossom, more than 100 mu of rape flowers are swaying in the wind and quietly blooming. Manshan "Flower Sea" attracts tourists to watch, but also paves a way for villagers to increase income and become rich.

In 2021, Nanliu Village will transfer more than 200 mu of land, of which more than 100 mu will be planted with plum and apricot trees. The fruit trees will enter the hibernation period. How to use the land will become a problem in the village. Through investigation and research, interplanting rape flowers with both ornamental value and economic value has become the first choice for local agricultural production adjustment.

The "seamless connection" between fruit trees and rape flowers not only improves the local land utilization rate, but also increases the village collective economic income. "After planting rape, there are more than 200 jin of rapeseed per mu of land, which can squeeze 70 or 80 jin of oil and earn more than 20 yuan per jin." Liu Yonggang, secretary of the party branch of Nanliu Village, said that the village is also preparing to build a thousand mu picking garden, build a 13.5 km footpath, and build an agricultural complex integrating tourism and agriculture.

 At the fruit, vegetable and flower breeding base in Guoyuan Village, Luzhou District, Changzhi City, colorful cyclamens are opening up, and fruits and vegetables such as fruits and cucumbers are growing happily. Photographed by Zhang Xun

At the fruit, vegetable and flower breeding base in Guoyuan Village, Luzhou District, Changzhi City, colorful cyclamens are opening up, and fruits and vegetables such as fruits and cucumbers are growing happily. Photographed by Zhang Xun

As a traditional crop in Lucheng District, green onions have a long history of cultivation. In February this year, Zhangjiahe Village Organic Scallion Planting Demonstration Base was shortlisted as Shanxi Provincial Characteristic Industry Demonstration Base. Cao Yunxi, secretary of the Party branch of Zhangjiahe Village, said, "This year, the village plans to plant more than 500 mu of scallions on the land transferred back, and it is expected to achieve an annual income of more than 3 million yuan."

In recent years, Lucheng District has developed scallion planting in Zhangjiahe, Naonao, Heshi and other villages in the development mode of "company+base+farmer", and has supported and guided relevant enterprises to implement projects such as scallion industry demonstration park, suburban agricultural construction, etc., forming a characteristic agricultural whole industry chain integrating scallion seedling raising, planting, processing, storage and sales, The radiation has driven the planting area of organic scallions to more than 10000 mu.

At the fruit, vegetable and flower breeding base in Guoyuan Village, Luzhou District, Changzhi City, colorful cyclamens are opening up, and fruits and vegetables such as fruits and cucumbers are growing well. Zhang Huilan, a villager from Orchard Village who was busy in the greenhouse, told the reporter, "Previously, we had no fixed income when we went out to work. Now we have built a flower greenhouse in the village, and we can earn money by working at home."

In 2021, Guoyuan Village will take advantage of its local location, transfer 100 mu of land, build a large-scale characteristic fruit, vegetable and flower breeding base focusing on planting vegetables and high-grade flowers, build 2 fully intelligent modern solar flower greenhouses, 12 solar vegetable greenhouses and 2 fully intelligent integrated multi span greenhouses with Guoyuan Village Stock Economic Cooperative as the platform, Adopt the mode of "village collective investment, villagers' share cooperation, and foreign capital introduction" to develop modern agricultural characteristic industries integrating modern agricultural demonstration, experience picking, cultural tourism, etc.

Rural revitalization and industrial prosperity are the cornerstone. A busy figure, sowing the hope of spring, looking forward to a heavy harvest. In recent years, many places in Shanxi regard industrial prosperity as an important support for rural revitalization. Based on local resources, through policy encouragement, financial support, development of characteristic planting and other measures, they promote the continuous income increase of villagers. (End)

[Editor: Song Yusheng] Source: China News Network

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